Page:The Lark - E Nesbit, 1922.djvu/191

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Jane completely and suddenly lost her temper.

"You refuse to do it?"

"I'm afraid I must say yes to that," said Mrs. Dadd, with a sort of defiant archness.

"Then you'd better go. Go now," said Jane.

"Certainly," said Mrs. Dadd, with some alacrity. "I should like my month's money, Miss Quested, and I'll leave at once. Come, Addie darling, and help Mummy to pack."

"Where's the pail?" Jane asked.

"In the back kitchen, I believe. Come, Addie."

Jane got the pail and the floor-cloth and, carrying them, reached the hall just as the front-door bell rang. She then perceived that if she did not open the door no one would. Besides, it might be Forbes.

So she opened it. The doorstep was occupied by three large ladies.

The captain's widow and her sisters had chosen this fortunate moment for their début at Cedar Court.