Evolution, and for the last thirty years has been its declared antagonist, rarely missing an opportunity of denouncing everything but descriptive anatomy and zoology as the unsound speculations of dreamers. This has on more than one occasion brought him into sharp conflict with Haeckel. His activity is astonishing, epecially if it be remembered that Virchow has for many years been one of the most conspicuous leaders of the Progressists and Radicals in the German Parliament and Berlin town-council.
Edward Drinker Cope was born at Philadelphia, Pa. After studying at several Continental Universities, especially at Heidelberg, he became first Professor of Natural Science at Haverford College, and later Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. He died at an early age in 1897. As a member of various geological expeditions and other surveys, he explored chiefly Kansas, Wyoming, and Colorado; and he published many