teacher and investigator has made Heidelberg a centre whence many pupils have spread his teaching, and above all his method of research.
Ernst Heinrich Haeckel was born on February 16, 1834, at Potsdam. He carried out his academical studies alternately at Berlin and Würzburg, attracted by such men as Johannes Mueller, Koelliker, and Virchow. For years he was undecided what his career should be, whether that of botanist, collector, or geographical traveller. Certainly that of medicine attracted him least, although in deference to his father's wishes he qualified and settled down for a year's practice in Berlin. As he himself has told us, he might perhaps have proved rather successful as a physician, to judge from the fact that he did not lose a single patient. But 'I had only three patients all told, and the reason of this is perhaps that I had given on my plate the hours of consultation as from 5 to 6 a.m.'