Metazoa, Gnathostomata, Acrania, Craniota, and Amniota.
Hitherto we have dealt with his general work only, a résumé of which he gave for many years in a course of thirty lectures before an audience composed of 'all sorts and conditions of men.' Students of biology and of medicine side by side with theologians, incipient and ordained, jurists, political economists, and philosophers, crowded his lecture-room during the 'seventies to hear the master explaining the 'natural history of creation' or the mysteries of anthropogenesis. Another course of eighty lectures during the winter semester was, and still is, devoted to a systematic treatment of zoology, while practical classes are reserved for the more select.
His winning personality and fascinating eloquence, combined with a clear and concise delivery, have gained the enthusiastic admiration of many a student who went to the quiet University town in order to learn with his own ears and eyes.