Outlines of the Left Ear of—
1. Lemur macaco; 2. Macacus rhesus, the Rhesus monkey; 3. Cercopithecus, a macaque; 4. human embryo of six months; 5. man, with Darwin's point well retained: the dotted outline is that of the ear of a baboon; 6. orang-utan (after G. Schwalbe):[1] x the original tip of the ear; 7. human ear with the principal muscles.
- ↑ G. Schwalbe, 'In wiefern ist die menschliche Ohrmuschel ein rudimentäres Organ?'—In what Respects is the Human Outer Ear a Rudimentary Organ? (Archiv f. Anatomie und 7 Physiologie, 1889).