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Page:The Last link.djvu/44

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of Eocene and Miocene date, fill many gaps between existing genera of Primates, and afford us quite a clear insight into the phyletic development of this order during the millions of years of the Cænozoic age.

The most important difference between the two groups of existing monkeys is indicated by their dentition. Adult man possesses, like all the other Catarrhine Simiæ, thirty-two teeth, whilst the American monkeys (the Platyrrhinæ) have thirty-six teeth—namely, one pair of premolars more in the upper and lower jaws. Comparative odontology leads us to the phylogenetic conclusion that this number has been produced by reduction from a still older form with forty-four teeth. This typical dental formula (three incisors, one canine, four premolars, and three molars, in each half-jaw) is common to all those most important older mammals which in the beginning of the Eocene period constituted the four large groups of Lemuravida, Condylarthra, Esthonychida, and Ictopsida. These are the