57. That all fummoundes oferrour be raifed andprfewed within the fpace of three zeires.
ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that all fummoundes of errour , or inordinate Proces , that ar to be raifed be ony perfones, that thinkis them hurte be the determination of inqueftes , or be proces of Schi- refTes led in the ferving of Brieves in time to cum, be raifed and perfewed within the fpace of three zeires , after the faide proces , and making of retoures : The parties that alleagis them hurte , being of lauchfuil age, and within the Realme : S wa that the erroure and in-ordinate procefle , michte cum to their eares : And gif onie perfonnes omittis to raife fik fummoundes , and perfewis them not within the faid termes. T he faid termes being pafte, they fall never be heard in judgement upon that action thereafter : Bot fall tine their priviledge of reduction of the faid Proces and errour , for all time to cum : Nevertheleffe the fummoundes , that ar now dependand and hingand betuixt ony parties, to be proceeded, as they were wont: And quhair that ony perfones thinkis them hurte, be retoures or proces, that ar elfe led and maid in time by-eane: That they raife fummoundes thereupon, within the fpace of three zeires , and perfew the fanun. And failzieing thereof, that they be never heard in judgement , as faid is , bot to tine their privi- ledge of reduction , in all times to cum. j FINIS. H X PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH, Haldeu at Edinburgh, the elleventh daye ofCMarch, the zeire of God, ane thoufand, five hun- dreth , and three zeires. 5-8. Of the dailie Councell. TEM, Itisadvifed, ftatute, and concluded in this prefent Parliament , becaufe there lies bene greate confufion of fummoundes , at ilk Sefllon : fa that leafure nor fpace at a time of die zeir , micht not have bene had for the ending of them: And therefore, puir folkes hes bene delayed , & deferred.fra zeir to zeir, throw the quhilk they wanted ju ftice: Therefore,for efchewing of the faid confufion,that there bcane Councell chofen be the Kings Hienefle , quhilk fall fit continually in Edinburgh, or quhair the King makis rendence, or quhair itpleafishim, to decide all maner of fummoundes in civil maters, complaintes, and caufes dailie , as they fall happen to occurre : And fall have the famin power , as the Lordes of Seflion. And quhen they fall beginne , and in quhat place, fall be notified to the people, be open Pro- clamation , at the Kingis pleafure. 5-9. That Juftice and Schirejfes be maid for the lies. ITEM, Becaufe there hes bene greate abufion of Juftice in the North partes and Wefte partes of the Re- alme, fik as die North lies , and South lies , for lacke and fault of Juftice aires, Juftices and SchirefTes, and there-throw the people ar almoft gane wilde : It is therefore ftatute and ordained , for the acquieting of die people be juftice, that there be in time to cum, Juftices and SchirefTes depute in thay parts, as after followis : That is to fay, that the Juftices and SchirefTes of the North lies , have their feate and place, for adminiftration of Juftice, in Innernes or "Ding-well , as the maters occurris , to be decerned be the faid officiares. And that ane udier Juftice and Schireffe , be maid and depute for the South lies, and diay parts , and to have his place and feate for adminiftration of Juftice, in the Tarbar of Loch-kinkerane , at the will and pleafure of the laidis officiares, as the maters occurris. 60. Of the Juftice aires of Trgyle, Lome, Bute, and thay parts. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , becaufe there hes bene ane parte of the Hie-landes, quhilk ar the landes betuixt Badzienoch and Lome, and ar called Dowart , Glentowart , and als the Lordfhippe of Lome, quhilkis hes bene out of ufe to cum to Juftice aires, And likewife CMawmor , Loch-Aber , zn&Ergyle: R There-