FOVRTH "PARLIAMENT. VII of June. i S3S . xi ? Wardens , Proveftes, Baillies of Townes, and keipers of Portes and Havens within the Realme, make diligent fearch and feeke the breakers hereof, under the paine of tinfel of their offices , and pnfoning of their perfones zeireandday, induring the Kingis Grace will. And gifony Engli/h-man will cum into this Realme , with their Schippes, to bye vifrualles , flihorfalt, the Kingis Grace fall grant to them his fafe-conduct to do the famin , if his Grace thinks the famin expedient ; And the faide fafe-condudt being obteined : It fall be leafurn to all Merchandes , and uthers within the Realme, to fell fik merchandice to the faidis Englijk*mm , for gold and filver , or to bartour with uther gudes fuiricient Merchandice. xi. Yore-ftaUers. ALSWA, It is ftatute and ordained, thatnaFore-ftallersbefoundinbyeandvictualles, fifli, flelh, or uther ftuffe, or the famin be prefented to the mercat , nor zit into the mercat , or the time of day , fta- tuie and ordained thereto, under the paine of prifoning of their perfones, and efcheitting of all fik gudes colt or arled be them , that is to fay , the twa part to the Kingis Grace , and the thrid part to the Schirefre or Officiar of the Schire , Proveftes , Baillies , and Officiares of the Burrowes , or to ony uther that findis them doing in the contrair hereof. z%. t_All Beggers Jit Id begge within their awin Paroch , and have the marke thereof. ITEM, For refraining of the multitude of maifterfull and ftrange beggers : It is ordained , that the acte maid thereupon of before, be King James the Firft, apprieved, and ratified be uthers ourSoveraine Lordis Prececeflbures , beobferved, keiped, and put to lcharpe execution in all poyntes , with this addi- tion : That na beggers be thoiled to beg in ane Parochin , that ar borne in ane uther , and that the headef- men of ilk Parochin , make takinnes and give to the beggers thereof , and that they be fuftehed within the bounds of that Parochin , and that nane uthers be ferved with almous within the bounds of that Parochin, bot they that beads that takinne allanerlie , under the pains conteined in the faid a<5le. And that the Juftice Clerke make inquifition , and take dittay hereupon at everie Juftice aire. And als ordainis letters tobq direct to command and charge rheProveft and Baillies of Edinburgh , and all uthers Proveftes, Baillies of Burrowes, SchirefFes, and uthers Officiares of the Kingis, to put this acfe to execution in all poyntes, and the famin to be publifhed at all places neidfull, fwa that nane fall pretend ignorance, or alfeage they knew not the famin in time to-cum. 2,3. The maifters of the Girth, fidd make deputes , qidoa fiild deliver* male-faUoures, that may not bruik the priviledge thereof. ITEM, For the mair haftie expedition, and punifhing of them that committis flauchter upon fore* thouchtfellonie , and flyis to Girth, conforme to the afte of Parliament maid thereupon of before, quhilk oft-times takis nane effecl: , throw pretenfe of excufe of the maifters thereof, Spiritual men that will not deliver the faidis trefpafloures to OTJR SOVERAINE LORDIS Officiares , conforme to the tenour of the faide a&e : Herefore it is ftatute and ordained be the KINGIS GRACE, with advife and confente of the three Eftaites of Parliamente , that all Maifteres of Girthes within this Realme , fall make fufficient refponfal men, Baillies or Maifteres of Girthes, underthem, dwelland at the faidis Girthes or neare thereby , quha fall be halden in all times cumming , to deliver all Committers of flauchter upon fore-thocht-fellonie , that flies to Girth, and uthers trefpafloures that breakis the famin, and may not bruik the priviledge thereof, conforme to the commoun Lawe, and Acte of Parliamente forefaide , to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Officiares , askand and defirand them to underly the Lawe , conforme to the faide Afte of Parliament. And gif the faidis Baillies tailzies there-intill ; to be rigorouflie punifhed for their contemption , in their bodies and gudes , at OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS will. And that all Maifteres of Girthes , Spiritual men , fende to die Juftice Clerke , the names of their Baillies and Maifters of Girthes depute , and to be depute be them , that quhen ony fik crimes ar committed and done, that Letters may be direct to all SchirefTes , Baillies, orStewartes, within quhaisboundes the faidis Gyrthesar, to charge the faids Baillies or maifteres , to deliver to them the faidis trefpafloures, coaforme to the a&e of Parliament. 14. i^Aneutis Merchandes that faillis in-contrair the t_Acl:es maid of before. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , be the Kingis Grace , and the three Eftaites of Parliamente , that the A&e and ftatute maid be umquhile OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, King J A M E S the 1 hrid; And als ratified and apprieved, be umquhile OUR SOVERAINE LORDE that laft deceafed , of gudeminde, quhom God aflbilzie : touching merchandes pafland with their merchandice loorth of the Re- alme, to France, Flanders, or ony uther partes: That na merchand faill , without he have ane halfe lafte of gudes of his awin , or elfe in governance , as faclour to uther Merchandes, Be put to execution in all points , in time to cum , after the forme and tenour of the famin. And ratifies and apprievis the faid acle and ftatute now in this prefent Parliament. And attour , ordainis the Proveft or Baillies of Burrowes, T fituate