SEVENTH "PARLIAMENT. XIV. of CMarch. S4 o, i 3S ii 7 . That na faith be given to evident es fealed , without jubfcription of the principal or Notar. AL S W A It is ftatute and ordained , that becaufe mennis feales may of adventure be tint , quhair-throw great hurt may be genered to them that awe the famin : And that mennis feales may be feinzied , or puttowritinges, after their deceafe , in hurte and prejudice of our Soveraine Lordis lieges : That therefore na faith be given in time cumming, to ony obligation , band, or uther writing under ane feale, without the fubfcription of him that awe the famin, and witnefle: or elfe gif the partie cannot write , with the fub- fcription of ane Notar thereto. 1 1 8. ^Anentis burning of Comes, raifingof fire, andravifhingofweemen, ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that the committers of the crimes of fire-raifing , and raviihing of weemen, beputunderfovertietotheLaw, like as the crimes of flauchter and mutilation : Andin-cafe of none-finding of foverrie , to denunce them rebelles, like as men-flayers. And als becaufe the burning of Comes in barnezairdes, isfagreate ofFenfe againft the commoun weilh Thar therefore there be neve? refpeft nor remiflion given in time to-cum,to ony perfones that burnis cornes in flacks or bames,bot the com- mitters thereof, to be juftified to the death , or elfe banimed the Realme for ever. 1 19. Anentis them that breakis or pajfis contrair the Kingis Grace priviledges , granted to him be the Jeate <?/"Rome. ITEM, Anentis the artickle maid to provide how the auld a&es and I tatutes , maid againft them that dois contrair the Kingis priviledges, granted to his Predecellburcs and Succeflbures , be the fege of Rome , and fpeciallie Temporal men, that ar contrair the faidis actes, in licht-lying of the Kingis audioritie, makis fi- nance and furnilhing to the perfones , breakand and hurting our Soveraine Lordis priviledge , quhat ordour fall be taken againft Scottis Clerkes , remainand in Rome , that ftands contrair our Soveraine Lordis privi- ledge: It is ftatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament, that the ftatutes and actes maid thereupon of beiore , againft them , paffand contrair our Soveraine Lords priviledge , be obferved and keiped in time to- cum : And that dittay be taken upon the breakers of ony of the faidis acles , to underly the Law for the fame, the rhrid daye of the nixt Juftice aire of the Schire , quhair the breakers dwellis , or upon fifteene daies warn- ing, before our Soveraine Lordis Juftice principall , or his deputes , quhen , and quhair they fall be fummoned thereto, be our Soveraine Lordis letters , fwa that Juftice fall be extreemelie done upon them pafland in- contrair the priviledge granted to die Kingis Hienefle , and breakand the a<ftes and ftatutes maid there- upon , after the forme and tenour thereof ixo. The nearefl of the Kin , to have the glides of 'minors , that dies inteft 'at , without prejudice of the Quote. ITEM, Anent the artickle proponed: For-fameikle as oft-times zoung perfones dies, that may not ' make teftamentes , the Ordinares ufis to give their executoures Datives to their gudes. quhilkis intromettis therewith, and with-drawis die gudes fra the Kin and friendes , that fuld have the famin be the Law : It is fta- tute and ordained , bee the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , that quhair ony fik perfons dies within age , that may not make their teftamentes, the neareft of their Kin to fucceede to them , fall have their gudes, without prejudice to the Ordinares, anent the Quote of their teftamentes. iii. All the Kingis Lieges may Jell bread in Edinburgh on mere at dayes. ITEM, Becaufe of die great repaire in Edinburgh, throw reforting of our Soveraine Lord his Lieges , and uthers ftrangers , and it is necellar , that they be provided of bread, gude and fufficient ftufTe : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , that there be oulklie three mercat dayes for felling of bread within the faid Towne ; That is to fay , CMononday , Wednefday , and Fryday oulklie , upon the quhilk daies , it fall be leifTull to all our Soveraine Lordis lieges, baith to burgh and to land, to cum upon the faid mercat daies to the faide Towne, and fell their bread for reddie money , Without trouble or injuries to be done to the perfones , cummande with dieir bread, to the effeft forefaid. i%x. All the Kingis Lieges may fell flejh in Edinburgh on the mercat dayes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that there be three mercat daies oulklie in the faide Towne , for felling offlefli: That is to fay, Sunday, Mononday , and Furifday oulklie all maner of perfones, baith to Burgh and to Lande , fall be free to cum and fell flelh for reddie money , for the furnilhing of our SOVE- RAINE LORDE, and his Lieges , and uthers repairand to the laid Towne. izj. Tallounjiild not be carried awaie, nor barrelled: ITEM, For-fameikle as it was ftatute and ordained of before , diatnaTallounfuldebehadfoorthofthe Realme, for the efchewing of the dearth of the famin, not-thelefle die Talloun is caryed foorth in greate quantitie, quhilk lies raifed exceedand dearth in the Cuntrie, puttand the ftane of Talloun to ane double price or abone : THEREFORE It is ftatute and ordained in diis prefent Parliament, diat na perfon nor per- fones, take upon hande in time to cum, to carry ony Talloun foorth of the Realme , under die paine of tinfell of all their gudes moveable , cummand in-contrair hereof: And that all Cuftomers , at everie'Porte of the Realme,