Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/19

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28. Of Hereticques

TTEM, Anent Hereticques, that ilk Bishoppe sall garre inquire to the inquisition of Heresie, quhair onie sik beis founden and that they be punifshed as law of halie Kirk requires. And gif it misteris, that secular power be called, in support and helping of halie Kirk.

29. The breakers of the actes of Parliament, suld be Punished.

IT Is statute and ordained, that the breakers of the actes of Parliament be punished, after the forme and ordinance thereof.

30. Leagues and bands are forbidden.

ITEM, It is decreeted be the haill Parliament, and forbidden be our Soveraine Lorde the King, that onie leagues or bandes be maid amangst his Lieges in the Realme: And gif onie hes bene maid in time by-gane, that they be not keeped nor halden in time to cum.

31. Of selling of Horse.

ITEM, It is ordained that na Horse be sauld out of the Realme, quhill ar the least they be three zeir auld out-gane, under the paine of escheitte of them to the King.

32. Anent Taulch.

ITEM, It is ordained that na Taulch be had out of the Realme, under the paine of escheitte of it to the King.

33. Steallers of greene woodde, of fruite, Cunninges, Dowes, peallers of Trees, Breakers of Orchardes, and destroyers of woodae.

ITEM, It is ordained, that the justice Clerkes, inquire at the receiving of the inditements, of them that be night steallis greene woodde, or pealis the bark off trees, destroiand wooddes. And quha sa be convict before the justice of sik trespasse, they sall paie fourtie shillinges to the King for the unlaw, and assyih the partie skaithed. And als the said Clerke sall inquire of the breaking of mennes Orchardes, steallers of frute, destroyers of Cunningaires and Dowcattes, the quhilkis sall be punished, as it is ordained of the steallers of woodde.

34. Steallers of Woodde suld be punished in the place quhair the cryme was committed.

IT Is ordained, gif onie man findis his stollen woodde in uther Lordes landes, he sall gar arreist baith the woodde and the steallers of it, and gar them suffer Law in his Courte, that the woodde was stollen fra, and in nane uthers.

35. Anent the time within the quhilk Salmound suld nocht be slaine.

IT IS Ordained be the Parliament, and forbidden be the King, that onie Salmound be slaine, fra the Feaste of the Assumption of our Ladie, quhill the feaste of Saint-Andrew, in Winter, nouther with Nettes nor Craves, nor nane utherwaies, under the paine put upon slayers of read fish, quhilk alswa the Justice Clerke sall gar inquire.

36. Anent stalkers , that slayis Deare , and their mainteiners.

ITEM, It is ordained, that the Justice Clerke sall inquire of Stalkers, that slayis Deare, that is to say, Harte, Hynde, Dae, and Rae, and the halders and mainteiners of them, And alssone as onie Stalker may be convict of slauchter of Deare, he sall paie to the King, fourtie shillings : And the halders and mainteiners of them shall paie ten poundes.

37. Receipteres of rebelles suld be forefaulted.

ITEM, It is decreeted and statute, that na man wilfullie sall receipt, mainteine, or do favour to open and manifest Rebellares against the Kingis Majestie, and the commoun Law, under the paine of forefaultour.

38. How