Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/199

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FIRST "PARLIAMENT. XV. of "December. 1567. 1 77 hooved farther the Meflias and. Redeemer to be vety God, and very man , becaufe he was to underlie the Heb. i. »*', puniihmentduefqrour tranfgreffions , and to prefent himfelfe in the prefence of his Fathers Judgement, as "iet.3.7*; • inourperfon, tofufferforourcranfgreffionandinobedience, be death to overcome him that was author of Aft'.'/V+ 8 ' death.. Bot becaufe the onel-y God-head cutd not fuffer death, neither, zit cuk; the Onlie man-head over- J^j. 2.. come the famin, hejoynedbothtogrtherinoneperfone, that the imbecillitie oi the'ane, fuld fuller and be i^m-ms. fubject to death , (quhilk we had deferved) Ana theinfinit and invincible power of the uther, to wit, of the God-head ; fuld triumph and purcheffe to us life , libertie and perpetual v icbory : And fo we confefs , and niaift undoubtedly beleeve, 9. Chrifts death , TaJJion and Burial. THAT Our Lord Jefus offered himfelfe a voluntary Sacrifice unto his Father for us, that he fullered Heb i«: >; contradiction of finners , that he was Wounded and piagued for our cranfgreflipuns , that hee being the i&i. £. s . cleane innocent Lamb of GOD, was damned in the pre f ence crane ear take judge , "i hat we fuld be ab- j^',"^, 3, folvedbefoir the tribunal feat of our God. That he fullered nor onlie the cruel death dt the Crofie (quhilk was ***& accurfedbethefentenceofGod) bot alfo that he furred for a: (ea Eo 1 ae wrathdf his Father, quhilk finners m had deferved., Bot zit we avow that he remained did only weli beloved 1 - Jelled Sonne of his Father, even u in the middeftof his anguiili and torment , quhilk hee fu' iered in bod.e and faule , to make the full iatisfaftiori f Cui for the fmnes of the people. After the quhilk we confefie and avov, that there remainesn a uther Sacrifice p^'^"' for finne , quhilk gif ony affirme , we nathing doubt to a o • . that they ar blafphemous againtt Chrifts dearti, and the eveflafting purgation and fitisfac~tion , purchafed to as be tlie fame. 10. RefiirreEiioun; W E undoubtedlie believe, that infameikle as it wasimpoffible, that the doloiirs of death fuldereteirie a&v'm: in bondage the Author 01 li'e, that our LORD JESUS crucified, dead and buryed , quha del- FomV 5 ?s.' cendedinto Hell , did ryfe againe for our Justification , and deftroying of rfiih aha wes the Author of death, &o£?i,: brocht life againe to us , that wer fubjecl: to death , and to the bondage of the fame! We knaw that his Re- 55t*JX s furreclion , ves confirmed be the teilimonie ot his verie Enemies , be the Refurreclion of the dead, quhais Mar.'^-'sk' Sepultures did oppen, and they did rife , and appeared to mony , within the Cktie of Jerufalcm. It was alfo -m?« : *«. s .. confirmed be the teftimonie of his Angels , and be the fenfes and Judgements of his Apoftles , and of uthers, ^ b 'u 2 °' 7 - ir * quha had converfation , and did eate and drink with him , after his Refurieetion. 1' 2 U k 43 H ' 4,s .6. II. Deut.21.23, ar.J5. 1,2. Gal 3.13. 5. 1,2. .iX.16. 38. Cor. s. 1 1 . Afcenfion, 42.43. Joh. it. i^d 13- WE nathing doubt, bot the felf fame bodie quhilk was borne o r the Virgine , was crucified, dead, t&j&ji; and buried, and quhilk did rife againe, did afcend into the heavens, tortheaccompiiihment of all 5fat**& thinges: quhere in our names, and for our comfort, he hes received all power in heaven and earth, quhere tat^t! he fittes at thericht hand of the Father inaugurate in his Kingdome; Advocare and onelie Mediator for us. ]^V£ 9 ',g Quhilk Glorie , honour, and prerogative, he alone amohges tlie Brethien fall poffefs, till that all his Ene- tykz. '• miesbemadehisfuteftuJe, as that we iindoubtedlie beleeve, they fall be in the final Judgement: To the ku'itk Execution whereof we certainelie beleeve,that the fame our Lord JESUS fall as vifiblie returne, as that hee Mafe"i.j& was fene to afcend. And then wee firmely believe, that the time of tefrefhing 1 id re ftitution of all things fall iak - 20 -* 2 > cum, infa-meiklethatthir, that fra the beginning have fiT'ei el violence, irijurie, andwraiig, forrichte- Aa.1.1. oufnesfake, fill inherit that blefled immortalitie promifed Ira thebeginning. Bot contrairiwrle the ftub- meCr.'*.' burne, in-obedient, cruel oppfeiTours , filthie perfonis , Idolaters, and all inch fortes of unfaithful!, fall Jut**** becaftinthedungeounofutterdarkenefie, where the worme fall not die, • either zit their fyre fall bee ex- ^H' 7 ' tinguilhed. The remembrance of quhilk day, and of the Judgeme it to be executed in the fame, is not Mat - 2 s-+ I - onelie to us ane brydle , whereby our carnal luftes are refrained, bet a^v* fik ineftimable comfort , that 4«!-4*-' 4 ^ nether may the threarning ot worldly Princes, nether zit the feare of temporal death and prefent danger, fret."' II'. move us to renounce and forfake that blefled focietie , quhilk we the mei 1 1 b ers have with our head and onelie l^:[ " g ; Mediator CHRIS V JESUS, whom we confefie and avow to be the Meffias promifed, the onlie head of jjp- ' J - »> his Kirk , cur juft Law giver , our onlie hie Prieft , Advocate , and Mediator. In quhilk honoures and of- e^- 7. t 4 . fices, gif man or Angel prefume to intrude themfelf, w 7 e utterHedeteft and abhorre them, as blafphemous coi.' !'.".' to our Soveraine and iupreme Governour CHRISTJESUS. ftUS 1 1 Joh. 1. i. ii. Faith in the holy Ghojf, THIS Our Faith and the affurance of the fame , proceeds not fra flefli and blude , that is to fay , fra na Mlt . is. i 7 . natural powers within us , bot is the infpiration ol the hAy Ghoft : whome we confefie, G O D, equal p; H' *|* with the Father , and with his Sonne , quhafandilyisus, and orings us in all veritie be his awin operation, ^ ' + ' "' without whome we fulde remaine for ever enimies to GOD, and ignorant of his Sonne Chrift Jefus. For Jj*. : j<s. > ».' of nature we are fo dead, fo blind, and fo perverfe , that nether can we feil.1 when ye. at pricked, eph'.!'?.' fee the licht when it liiines, nor affent to the will of God when it is reveiled , unles the Spirit of the fevelJfiV; D I Lord