on hande, then he may gudile fulfil to the King, and of the fulfilling of the warke that he takis on hande, upon his awn coast. Of warm-men dleayande to end their Warke And alswa quhair a warke-man, outher wilfullie or unrichteouslie, lettis to fulfill the warke that he hies tane on hande, that ane uther man of that ilk Craft, refuse not to take that on hande for reasonable fee, under the paine of punishing of him at the Kingis will, swa tha the be a warke-man knawin, and hes then nane uther warke on hande.
81. Of sawing and labouring of the ground.
ITEM, The saidday, our Soveraine Lord the King, with consent of the haill Parliament ordained, that throw all the Realme, ilk man teilland with a pleuch of audit Oxen, sall saw at the least ilk zeir a Firlot of quheate, halfe a Firlot of pease, & 40. beanes, under the paine of x. s. to the Barronne of the land that he dwellis in, if he sawis it not, & as oft as he beis founden faultise. And gif die Barronne sawis not the sai corne in like maner in his Domaines, he sall paie to the King fourtie shillinges: And gif the Barronne be founden negligent in the raising of the saide paine on his husbandes, there sall be raifsed on him fourtie shillinges, als oft times as he defaultis without remission.
82. Annent the bigging of Castles in the North.
ITEM, It is ordained, that ever-ilk Lord havand land bezond the Mont, in the quhilkis landes in aulde times their was Castles, Fortalices and Manour-places, big, reparrel, and reforme their Castles & manours, & dwell in them be themselfes, or ane of their friendes, for the gratious governal of their landes be gude policie, and to expende die frute of their landes, in the Countrie, quhair the landes lyes.
83. That Judges sall be sworne to determine all causes after their cunning.
Odem Die Rex, per modum statuti, ordinavit, quod dehinc omnes & singuli adquascunque causas & querelas terminandas, in quocunque futuro Parliamento eligendi,jurabunt ad Sancta Dei Evangelia, ut omnes & singulas causas & querelas coram eis proponendas & terminandas absque favor e vel odio, fraude seu colore aliquo, juxta suas scientias, fideliter & juridice terminabunt.
84. That na Clerkes nor laicks pas furth of the Realme: And of their finance.
85. Anent