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conteining 37. inches : The ſtane conteining xvj. li. Trois, ilk Trois punde, conteining xvj. unce. The pint of Striviling, ij, pund, and ix. unce Trois wecht of cleir water: All the premiſſes, to obſerv a juſt proportion, according to the Law and Actes of Parliament: and as to the firlot, quhairof there hes bene mention maid in the Act of King James the Second, to have bene of 18. pints: having tried and comptorlled the ſame in deepnes and bread, be the Elnwand, and in quantity and wecht, be the ſaid ſtope of so Striviling, hes found the ſame les in proportion, nor it aucht to be, beand comptrolled be the reſt of the wechtes and meaſures abone written, and this as appeiris eareſt be error of the Prenter: be reaſon that be juſt calculation and comptrolment, the ſamin extended to 19. pintes, and a jucat. And for eſchewing of fraud, hes thoucht expedient that all victuall ſall be meaſured be ſtraik. And be reaſon that malt, bear, and aites, hes bene uſed to be meaſured be heap, hes fund be examination and triall, that the heap in proportion, is the juſt thrid of the firlot or peck: Therefore remitted to the Kingis Majeſtie, and Lords of ſecret Councell, whidder they thochtit maiſt expedient, to cauſe make ane particular meaſure for metting malt, bear and aites be ſtraik : Or that ane meaſure fuld ſtand univerſallie, to receive and deliver three for twa, or ſex for four of malt, bear and aites, according to the proportion of victuall, and ſtuffe uſed in times by-paſt to be mette by ſtraik, ſik as quheit, rie, beanes, peaſe, meall, ſalt, and quite, ſauld in the mer- cattes and the Countrey : except the water mett, to remaine according to the uſe of the Cuntrie. Sik-like, that there be double ſtanderts of the foreſaidis wechtes, mettes and meaſures maid of braſſe the ane ofeverie ane of them to remaine in the regiſter, and the uther, with the Towns, to quhom the have bene committed of auld, to be direct furth to the haill lieges, to be uſed univerſally, and this with our prejudice to onie perſons, quha ar founded, infeft, or addebted be tack, or contract of auld, or new formes of utheris meaſures, bot that their foundation, infeftment, tack or contract, ſall ſtand in effect and the meaſure of their foundation, infeftment, tack or contract, ſall be proportioned to the meaſure now to be eſtabliſhed be his Majeſtie, his Parliament and Councell : Swa that the ſame quantitie fall remaine with the giver, and the receiver, but prejudice of onie of them, as the ſaid report, exhibit to the Lordes of fecreet Councell, at mair length proportis : Quhilk being ſeene, conſidered and allowed be them: They therefore, according to the power and authoritie of the ſaid Parliament, and report of the ſaidis Commiſſ- oners, have decerned and ordained, and be thir preſentes, decernis and ordainis, the Firlot to be augment- ed, and the ſtandert thereof to be of the forme after ſpecified: And to conteine nine-tene pintes, and twa Joucartes : And this to be the meaſure of all victuall and ſtuffe, uſed in times by-paſt, to be fauld be ſtraike, lik as Quheite, Rie, Peas, Beanes, Meale, and quhite Salt, fauld in mercats, or in the Coun- trie : The widenes and breadneſſe of the quhilk Firlot, under and abone, even over, within the buirdes. fall conteine auchtene inches, and ſext part of ane inche : The deepenes, ſeven inches, and halfe inche. And the Pecke to be maid effeirand thereto. And that the ſteppes of the ſaid Firlot, be of the auld proportion in thickneſſe of baith the buirdes, ane inche & ane halfe : That the bottome thereof be croſſed with iron, nailed to the ſame, and to the ring of the Firlot: and the edge of the bottom, entring within the lagene, be pared out-with, towarde the nether ſide, and to be maid in-with plaine and juſt rule richt : That the mouth be ringed about with ane circle or girth of iron, in-with and out-with, havand a croce iron barre, paſſing over fra the ane ſide to the uther, three-ſquared, ane edge downe, and a plaine ſide up : Quhilk fall gang rule right, with the edge of the Firlot, and everie ſquare fall be ane juſt inche of bredth : And that there be ane prick of iron, ane inche in roundneſſe, with and fhoulder under and abone, rifing upright, out of the center or middeſt of the bottom of the Firlor, and paſſing throw the middeſt of the ſaid over-croce barre, ruiffed baith under and abone : And that the Cowper cauſe the right ſtraike of the ſaid Firlot, paſſe fra the ane end of the ſaid over iron barre, to the uther. And be reaſon that Malt, Bear, and Aires, hes bene uſed to be meaſured be heape: and for eſchewing of fraud, thinkis expedient and ordainis, that all victualles fall be meaſured be the ſtraike in time cumming: Sceing be the juſt tryall and examination, the heape in proportion, is found the thrid of the Firlot or peck : And that the foreſaid meaſures of the Fir- lot and Peck, ſtand univerſallie: receiving and delivering three fortwa, or ſex for four, of Malt, Beir, and Aites, according to the proportion abone written: Except the water mette, to remaine according to the uſe of the Countrie. And that there be double ſtanderts of the Firlot, maid of Braſſe, be the Burgh of Linlithcow, and of the foreſaids uthers mettes and weightes, be the utheris Burrowes, to quhom they have bene committed of auld: Andane of eyerie ane of them, to remaine in the Regiſter, and the uther, with the faidis Burrowes : And the juſt meaſure and quantitie of the ſame, to be direct furth be the faids Burrowes, to the haill Lieges of this Realme, to be uſed univerſallie, in maner and forme be- fore rehearſed.

AND That the foreſaidis wechtes, mettes, and meaſures, with the quhilkis, all and quhat-ſum-ever perſones, fall be halden to buy, ſell, mett, meaſure, wey and receive, have courſe allanerlie , within this Realme, after the twentic ſex day of Maij, nixt-to-cum: and na utheris wechtes, mettes, nor mealures, under the paines conteined in the Actes of Parliament, maid here anent, in his umquhile deareſt Mothers dayes. And that all Firlottes to be uſed in mercattes, baith to Burgh and Land, be burnt and ſealed, with the burning iron of the head Burgh of the Schire, quhairin the ſaids mercattes ar halden. And that the Pro- veſts and Baillies of Burrowes and Cities, baith of Regalitie and Royaltie: And als the Baillies of Burrowes in Barronie, and uthers quhat-lum-ever places, quhair mercattes of victuall ar halden, ſall be bound that allmea