Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/317

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ELLEVENTH PARLIAMENT. XXIX. ofjulij 1587. 2-95 T JL^» Jl — * Of the CLANNES that hes CAPTAINES and CHIEFTAINES, quhom on they depends oftimes againfl the willes of their Landis-Lordes , alfweill on the Bcrdoures, as Hie-landes; and of fum fpecial perfones of Braunches of the faidis Clannes. ^Middle CMarche. Ellottes. Arme-ftranges. Nickfonnes. Crqfers. Wefi CWarcbe. Scottes of Eufdaill. Beatifonnes. Littles. Thomfbnnes. Glendunninges. Irvinges. Belles. > Carrutheres. Grahames. <, Johnfiones. Jardanes. Moffettes. Latimer s. Hie-landes and lies, Buchannannes. Mak-farlanes of the Arroquhair. Mak-knabbes. Grahames of Menteith. Stewartes of Balquhidder, Clame-Gregore. Clan-Lauren. Campbelles of Lochinel. Gampbelles of Innerraw. Clan-dowall of Lome. Stewartes of 'Lome , or of Appn. Glan-Mackeane Awricht. Stewartes of Athoill 'and partes adjacent. Clanne-T)ouoquhj m Athoill, and partes adjacent. Meinzies in Athoill 'and K^Apiadull. Clan-mak-Thomas in" Glen/che. Ferguffbnnes. Spaldinges. Makintofches in yithoill. Clan-Chamron. Clan-Rannald in Loch-Aber. Clan-RannaldotKnoydert, Mqydert, hGlengarrey. Clan-Lewid of the "Lewis . Clan-Lewid of Harrich, Clan-Neill. Clan-Kimion. C/an-Jeane. Clan-Chattane, Grantes. Fraferes. Qlan-Keinzie. Clan-Avercis. Mimroes. Mtirrayes in Souther land,' Tt 2, A NE