Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/322

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KING JAMES THE S E XT qualified perfon , as they fall think expedient. Providing alwayes , in-cafc the Presbytery refufis to admitt onie qualified Minifter , prefented to them he the Patrone : It fall be lauchfull to the Patrone , to reteine the haill fruices of the faid Benefice in his awin handes. Andfurder, his Hienefle and Eftaites forefaidis, declairis that the deprivation already pronunced , or to be pronunced , be onie Presbyterie , Synodall, or Generall aflemblies , againft onie of the Parfones or Vicars forefaidis , fall na-vvayes hurt , or be prejudicial! to ony tackes, lawfullie fettbe that Perfon deprived , before his deprivation, to quhat-fum- ever perfones. ii 6 . Anent CManfes and glebes in Cathedrall and ^Abbaie Kirkes. UR Soveraine Lord , Withadvifeof die Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis: That the Acts of Parliament maid of before, anent Manfes and Glebes, to be given to Minifters of Gods halie Evangell , within this Realme , fall be underftand and extended to all Abbayes , and Cathedrall Kirkes , within this Realme , quhair na uther Manfe nor Glebe , perteining to Parfon or Vicar , was of be- fore : Swa that the Minifters prefentlie admitted, or quhilkis hereafter fall happen to be admitted, to the Office or Cure of the Minifierie, within the faid Kirk , fall have ane fufficient Manfe and dwelling place, within the precinct of the Abbaie quhair he fervis : Togidder with foure acres of land , of the beft and maiit commodious , lyand continue , and maift eweft to the laid Manfe , quhilk perteinis , or in onie time of be- fore perteined , to the faid Abbaie , or onie member thereof : Quhidder the famin land lye within the faid precinct, or without the fame, gif there be fa meikle , as may extend to the quantitie of foure acres , to be defigned, inhabit, occupied, laboured, manured; conforme to the tenour of the Acte of Parliament, maid of before, anent Manfes and Glebes , to be given to the Minifters of Gods word, within this Realme : with fpeciall provifion , that it fall be in the option of the Abbotcs , Priores, and utheris Prelates and per- fones quhat-fumever , fewaresofthefaidis Cathedrall, and Abbaie places -. ather to grant ane Manfe to the Minifter, within the precinct of their place : Orelfe, ane fufficient Manfe , lyand als eweft and commo- dious to the Paroche Kirk. 117. Ane woman divorced for her adult erie , may not annalie or difpone her lands orpof feJJIones , in prejudice of the bairnes , gotten the time of her mariage , or of her uther aires quhat-fiim-ever. TT Is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , that quhen-lb- J, ever ony woman is, or hes bene divorced fra her lauchfull fpoufe , for her awin fault and offenfe of adul- terie : And compieitis unlawfull and pretended mariage with the fame perfon , with quhom fhe committed the faid offence, or plainly and openlie dwellis and refortis in companie with him at bed and buird ; gif me have ony lands, heritage, tackes, rowmes or pofteflions : It fall not be lauchfull for her to difpone, annallie, lot put awaie the famin, in all, or in part , ather to her faid pretended husband and adulterer : or to the fucceflion proceeding of that pretended mariage, or carnal deale : nor to quhat-fum-ever uther perfon or perfons, in pre- judice and hurt of the aires and fucceflion, procreat upon the faid firft lauchfull mariage -. or failzieng of them, of her uther lauchfull aires quhat-fum-ever, nor to do onie deed , directly nor indirectly , that may hurt and prejudge them therein : and declairis and ordainis , that the aires and fucceffours of her, procreat in the faid firft lauchfull mariage ; and failzieng of them , her uther lauchfull aires quhat-fum-ever, ar and fail be able to 1 fucceedetoherafterherdeceafe,inthefaidislandes, heritage, tackes, and poflefliones : Notwithftanding anie alienation or difpofition maid in onie time by-gane , or to be maid hereafter in the contrair , quhilks pre- tended alienations and difpofitions, maid or to be maid, in maner forefaid ; our Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites of Parliament, decernis and declaris to have bene , and to be null from the beginning , and ordainis the faid nullitie to be received and admitted , by way ot exception or reply ; But ony proceile or fummounds of re- duction, alfvveill before the Lordes of Councell and Seflion, as before the inferiour Judges , inferviceof brieves , and all uther actiones and caufes , quhair-ever the famin may occur -. And ordainis this prefent conftitution , to have full effect , anent all drfpofitiones and alienationes forefaidis : gif onie be maid , fen the Parliament halden be our Soveraine Lord, after his perfite age of xxj. zeires compleit , in the Moneth of Julij, the zeir of God , 1587. zeires. 118. All committers of Jlauchter , within Kirkes or Kirk-czairdes , and receivers of them , ajter declaratour , tines their life-rentes. IT Isftatute, ordained and declared , that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones committis flauchter within onie Kirk or Kirk-zaird , the time of the Prayer, preaching, or miniftration of the Sacramentes ; That per- fon or perfones , committers of the faid flauchter , being ather denunced rebelles, or declared fugitive for the fame; The Kingis Majeftie fall have full power, not onlie to difpone upon them, their Ample efcheit of movables : but alfwa upon the life-rent of all and quhat-fum-ever their iandes, livinges , tackes, teindes, rowmes or poffeftions &c. And declaris, that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfons, fall happen to receipt ony ol the faids perfons, quha beis denunced rebelles or fugitive , for the faids flauchters , committed within the faides