110. Of the aith to be maid to the Queene, be the Clergie and Baronnes.
uo Die Dominus Rex, ex deliberatione & consenu totius Conclii, statuit, quod omnes & singuli successores Pralatorum Regni quorumcunque, necnon omnes & singuli haredes futuri Comitum, Baronum,omniumque Libere tenentium Domini Regis; teneantur facere consimile juramentum Dominæ nostræ Reginæ. Nec allus Prælatus de cetero admittatur ad suam temporalitatem, aut bæres cujusuis tenentis Domin Regis ad suas tenendrias, nisi prius præstet Reginæ illud juramentum.
111. Anent fugitoures fra the King or his Lieu-tennent.
Quo Die consensum fuit & statutum quod omnes & singuli fugientes a Rege, vel alio quocunque ejus locum tenente, punientur sicut rebelles publici, & nostorii.
Halden at Perth, the sext daie of March, the zeir of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, twentie nine zeires. nx.
112. Of Maires of fee, their offices, attachementes and election.
N the First of the power of the summonder, It is statute and ordained, that a Maire of fee, quhidder hee bee Maire of the Schireffedome, or of parte, sall have power to present ane sufficient person or persones, and able to the Schireffe in Courte to be Deputes under him, quhilkis sall be sworne in the plaine Courte to the saide Office, and admitted be the Schireffe, and given the wand. He sall schaw nane other power in his attachementes, nor in his summoundes making, bot allanerly the precept of his over-man, the quhilk commandis him to make the summondes. And swa ay till indure and minister in the said office, quhill his power be lauchfully revoked in Court be his Ordinar. And swa in the Schireftedomes quhair there is Maires of fee in a warde, and not in anie other, the SchirefFe sall choose sufficient and able persones, ane or maa, after as the custome of the Schireffedome is, the quhilk sall be chosen be him, with the consent of the members of the Courte, and sworne in Courte and admitted, and minister all thinges pertenand to the said office.
113. Of