Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/339

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'TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Junij i S9 z. 3 1 7 15-8. It is leafiim to laik patrones to difpone their 'Prebendaries and Chaplanaries tofiu- dentes : Benefices of Cure, pertaining to the faidis patrones „ and ferved be CMinifiers , payis na thrid. OU R Soveraine Lord and Eftaites , prefentlie conveened in Parliament , ratifies and apprievis the A<51 ol Parliament, maid in his Hienefle minoritie , and firft zeare of hisraigne, upon the fiftenth day of December, thezeirofGod, anethoufand, fivehundreth, threefcore feven zeires : Inthulat anent the difi pofition of Proveftries , Prebendaries , and Chaplanaries to bur fares , to be founded in Colledges , perteining to laick Patrones ; ■ And willis and declaris , that the haill poyntes , artickles and provifiones , conteined in the faid aft, fallbehaldenasexprefledherein, with this addition ; That the faidis Burfares , ftudentes and titulars, lauchfully provided to the faidis Prebendaries , Chaplanaries, fall bruik, joyisand poflefle in all time hereafter -. Like as they had fufiicient richtes to bruik, fen the dait of their provifiones ; The haill rentes, profites and emolumentes, conteined in the auncient foundationes , maid be the faid laick patrones; not- withftandrng quhat-fumever provifiones , or particular ufe, to the quhilk the haill , or ane part of the fame, wardertinat, uiedorbruiked, in time of Papiftrie , and before the Reformation of Religion : Andnotwith- ftanding quhat-fum-ever ad , ftatute, conftitution , difpofkion, gift or prefentation following there-upon , maid be his Hienefle at onie time heretofore : Like as his Majeftie , with advife of the faidis Eftaites , and haill bodieofthisprefent Parliament, expreflelie declaris , that it was never his Majefties intention, ather to prejudge the faidis laick Patrones , in their Parfonages : or the Perfon provided to the faidis Prebendaries and Chaplanaries , of ony part of the fruites and emolumentes , conteined in the auncient foundationes, maid be the faid laick Patrones ; Bot as before , heartelie requeftis the faidis Patrones, to difpone and prefent their faidis Chaplanaries and Prebendaries , to fufficient and qualified Perfones , as they wald godlinefle and gude letters to floorifh within tliisRealme, to Gods glorie , and profite of this age , and the pofteritie. And at- tour, our Soveraine Lord, and his Eftaites in Parliament, declaris, that the Benefices of Cure, being laick Patronages, provided to Miniftersactuallieferving. and making refidenceat the proper Kirkes of the fame Benefices, failnotbefubje&intimecumming, to the payment of ony thriddes , foorthofthefame: bot die fame thriddes , to be reteined be them , as a part of their awin living and ftipend. 159. t^Annexation of the landes and annualles , mortified to the CWinifiers and Hof- pitall of Edinburgh. OUR Soveraine Lorde , now after his pcrfite age oftwentie five zeires compleit, with advife of his E- ftaites in Parliament, ratifies and apprievis the donationes and mortificationes , maid be his Hienefle umquhile deareft Mother, in her pcrfite age, and be his Hienes atdiverfe times, of the landes, Benefi- ces and rentes, doted for fuftentation of the Minifterie within die Burgh oi Edinburgh, and interteining of the Hofpitallesdiereof ; And fpeciallie , of all landes, annualles, and tenementes , lyand within the free- dome of the faid Burgh , founded to quhat-fum-ever Benefice ; And of all landes and annualles , lyand out- with the libertie of the faid Burgh, annexed to ony Benefice, Prebendarie, or Religious place, fituate within the free-dome of the faid Burgh. A nd OUR SOVERAINE LORD, for his pitifull zeale , quhilk he lies to the fuftentation of the Minifterie and Hofpitalles within the faid Burgh, with advife of his faidis Eftaites of Parliament , now after his perfite age of twentie five zeires compleit ; lies of new an- nexed to the Communitie of the faid Burgh , and their Succeflbures , in favoures of their Miniftery and Hofpitall ; All and haill the faidis Landsand tennements , annual-rents , profits and emoluments fore- saids : Few-fermes , mailles and dewries thereof • And furrogatis them in the full richt of all landes , an- nual-rentes, and emolumentes , fituate within the tree-dome of the faid Burgh : Quhiikis per teined of be- fore , to quhat-fumever Bifhop , Abbot , Prior ; Or quhat-fumever Ecclcfiafticall perfon within this Re- alme ; And ordainis an new infeftment to be cxped thereupon , lor their fecuritie , gif it be thought expe- dient 5 And for the faid godlie eflecT: , his Hienes diflolvis die generall annexation in that part ; 111 fa far as the lamin may appeare to be extended to onie of the premiffes, or to the annexation maid ot before, in favours of the faid Colledge and Hofpitall , o£ ! Dumbarny , quhairof the Kirk oiPotie and CMoncreife ar pendicides, lyand within the Schireffedome of Perth : The Parfonage of Curry , and the ane halfe of the Vicarage thereof, perteining to the Arch-deane oiY.outhiane : The landes, annual-rentes , houfes , zairdes and Bigginges of the Trinitie College, fituate within the faid Burgh oiEdiuburgh , alfweill perteining to the Proveft, as to the Pre- bendars thereof', and commoun landes, and annual-rentes of die fame. Quhilk annexation, his Hienefle with advife of his faidis Eftaites in Parliament , ratifies and apprievis : As als his Majeftie , with advife of his faids Eftaites, of new annexis the uther halfe of the Vicarage of Curry, to the quhilk na perfon is provided: And the haill Vicarage of the faid Kirk of T)umbaruy, quhilk alfwa vakisbe deprivation of N. N. lafc pofleiTour of the fame ; To remaine with the Proveft , Baillies , Councell , and communitie of the faid Burgh , and their Succeflbures in time cumming , for fuftentation of their faid Minifterie and Hofpitall. And our Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites forefaidis , decernis and declaris , that nane of dieir particulars before written , difponed of before , and newlie annexed , for fuftentation of the faid Minifterie and Hofpitall , were, ar, or fall be ever comprehended in the generall Annexation of the Ecclefiafticall lands and rentes to the Crown; Bot were, ar, and fall be excepted therefra : Like as his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis, ofnewexceptisthefamin, not onelie fra the faid annexation: bot fra his Hienefle revocation, maid in Y y time