Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/344

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•31X -KING JAMES THE S E X T Juftice Clerke and his deputes; or for none-compeirance before the Juftice after fovertie founde ; fall bee for eyerie Erie or Lorde , t-wa thoufand pundes • For everie great Barronne, ane thoufand pundes : For everie Free-haider, ane thoufand Markes : For everie Fewer, five hundrcth : For everie Zeaman-man , ane hundreth Markes : For everie Gentle-man un-landed , twa hundreth Markes : Of ilk perfon funimoned to pas upon Aflife before the juftice , ane hundreth Markes : And that the Juftice Gierke and his deputes , re- ceive 'fovertie, according to the faidis paines in time cumming , and na uther-waies : as they will anfwere upon the dewtie and execution of their offices. And the faids paines and Law-borrowes , to be divided equally, betuixt the Kin? and the partie offended unto; conforme to the aft maid there- upon of before. And that the un-law of all perfones arreifted , and not compeirand at the firft Juftice aire, over all the Realms in time cumming , fall be twentie pundes. 167. Annual-rentes fayed out of 'the Kingis 'Proper tie , to Ecclefiaftical perfones, after their deceafe , fall returne to the Crown.

T T is ftatute and Ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and his Eftaites in this prefent Par-

J_ iiament ; That after the deceafe of the prefent pofieflbur of the Prelacies , and uther benefices within this Realme; the annual-rentes payed there-unto , out of the Burrow-mailles, cuftomes, and utheris rentes of the propertie , to remaine with his Hienefie and his fucceffbures , as a part of the patriemonie of the Croune : And nane that fall happen to be provided in title to the faidis Prelacies, or uther inferiour Benefices , fall have richtor aclion , to crave or recover the famin annual-rentes : Notwithstanding their provifiones , general or fpecial quhat-fum-ever , without prejudice alwaies of the Hofpitalles and Colleges within Univerfities and Schooles , within this Realme. 168. The paines of wrdngeous Cafl&ners a?id Searchoures. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, with advife of the Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , ftatutis and ordainis , that all Cuftomers and fearchers , fall compeir zeirlie in the ordinar time of the Checker, . and make faith that they have done theirdewtie trewlie in their offices, the zeir preceeding : And gif ony fall be tryed to have done in the contrair ; be fullering or over-looking of forbidden guddes, or un-cuftomed guddes to be tranfported , ather before the Juftices or his deputes, or auditoures of the Checker , diat the offender thereby in-cur the paine of deprivation from their offices, and efcheitting of all their movable guddes. 169. Remijfiones and rejpittes fald not be granted , without ane letter of fames: They fkld be regiftrat, UR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and apprievis, the acf es of his Hienefie Parliamentes , maid of before ; againit the granting of rcmiffiones and refpettes to the committers of murthers, flauchters , and uther odious crimes , mentioned therein , quhair there is not fufHcient letters of flaines fhawen ; And ordainis the faids acls to have full effeft, and to be obferved be his Hienefie and his deputes , during the haill fpace , mentioned therein; And that narefpit or remiflion be ad- mitted in judgement hereafter, except the famin be componed be the Thefaurer, fubfenbed be him , and at the leaft , paft his Regifter. 170. Rat ifc at tones of the friviledges of the College of Juftice. UR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of this Realme , conveened at this prefent Parlia- ment, ratifies and apprievis , for them and their fucceflbures , all and quhat-fum-ever Acles, ftatutes, conftitutiones and ordinances, maid be his Majeftie, or his PredeceiToures, in favoures of the Senatoures of the College of Juftice , and members thereof: fen the firft ereclion of the faid College, to this prefent day and dait , without ony maner of diminution or derogation of the famin , in ony fort , be quhat-fum-ever udier acl: cr ftatute, that may or can be extended or interpreted in the contrair , ather fpecial or general. 171. Infeftmentes of the propertie, without confent of the Comptroller , arnull. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and apprievis the afte maid in die Parliament halden at Edinburgh , the fifth day oijunij , the zeir of God , ane thoufand, five hundreth , fourfcore twelve zeires ; Anent the fetting of infeftmentes of his Maje- fties propertie; And decernis and declaris quhat-fum-ever infeftmentes to be fet in time cumming of the famin , without the Comptrollers confent , his fubfeription and paffing of his regifter , to be null and of nane availe. 171. Infeftmentes given be the King, with new richt of Patronage in that part , arnull. GUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, confidderinghowhis Hienefie hes bene greattumlie circumveened in granting oi new infeftmentes, to fmdrie perfones of their Landes