3M KING JAMES THESE XT oppreflion : Forremeidquhairof, our faid Soveraine Lord, ordainis the Asfles and Lavves maid of before, anent thieft , thief t-bo@te, receipt of thieft, interteiners, intercommuneres, receipters and fuppliers of thieves, to be put to execution , according to the tenour thereof; And ratifies and apprievis the fame in all poyntes ; Andfurder, our faide Soveraine Lord, with advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ftatutisand ordainis, that na refpite nor remiffion , be granted at ony time hereafter , to onyperfonorperfones, that paftis to the home for thieft , riefe, flauchter, burning, or heir-ihippe, quhill the partie skaithed, be firft fatisfied ; And gif ony refpit or remiffion fall happen to be granted, before die partie grieved, be firft fatisfied, the famin fall be null and of riane availe , be way of exception or replie, without ony furder declaratour : except the faidis remiffiones and refpittes be granted, for pacifieng of the broken Countries and bordoures. 175-. That the writer infert his name in the bodie of the writte. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, underftanding per- fitelie, that falfettes in-creafis daiiie within this Realme: Andfpeciallie, be the writing of the bodies of the contracts, chartoures, obligationes , reverfiones, affignationes , and all uthers writtes and evi- dentes, bethehand-writtesoffikperfones, as ar not commounlie knawen , and ar not commoun notares, j nor bruikes na commoun Office , as writers within this Realme : And gif the writer were knawin , the famin wald give great licht to the try all of the trueth of die falfed of the faid writ and evident : Therefore his Hie- nefie , with advife of the faidis Eftaites in Parliament , decernis and declaris , that all original chartoures, contraries, obligationes, reverfiones, affignationes , and all udieris writtes and evidentes to be maid here- after, fall make fpecial mention in the hinder end thereof, before the inferring of the witnefles therein , Of the name, furname, and particular remaining place , diocefie, and uther denomination of the writer of die bodie of the forefaicl original writtes and evidentes : utherwaies the fame to make na faith in judgement , nor out-with in time cumming : And to begin upon the firft daye of November , nixt to- cum. 176. Annexation of 'the proper tie to the Crown. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament : Confiddering the daiiie in-creafeofhisHienes charges and expenfes, and diminution of his Hieneffe rentes of hispro- pertie and commoditie , throw unprofitable difpofitiones maid thereof in time by-gane : Therefore thinkis expedient, that the landes and Lord-lhippes under-written, be annexed to the Crown; and prefentlie an- nexis the fame thereto , followand the example of Ins Predeceflbures , for the honorable fupport of his Eftaite: and the fame Lands , Lord-fhips, and utheris hereafter fpecifkd, to remaine perpetuailie with the Crown : Quhilkis may nather be given awaie in free frank-tenement , penfion , or uther difpofition to ony perfon, ofquhat eftaite or degree that ever he be of, without advife , decreete, and deliverance of the hail! Parliament : And for great reafonable caufes , concerning the weill-fare of the Realme : Firft to be advifed, and digeftlie confiddered be the haill Eftaites. And albeit , it fall happen our Soveraine Lord that now is , or ony of his Succefioures , Kinges of Scotland, to annalie and difpone the faidis Landes , Lord-fchippes, Caftelles, Tounes, donation and advocation of the Kirkes and Hofpitalles , with the pertinentes , annexed to the Croun , as faid is, utherwife : That the fame alienationes and difpofitiones , fall be of nane availe ; bot that it fall be lefum to his Hieneffe , and his Succefioures , to receive the fame landes and rentes to their awin ufe; quhen ever it likis them, without ony proces of Law: And the takers to refound and pay , allprofites that they have taken up thereof, againe to his Hieneffe , and hisfucceflburesufes, for all the time that they have had them , with fik uther reitriciiones , as ar conteined in the aftes of Parliament , maid be his maift Noble Progenitours , Hingis o£ Scot land, in their annexationes to the Croun. They ar to fay, the landes of Beaufort: The landes of fettmdreicht : The landes of Cowl/: The landes of Oneill: The landes of Fet- tircarne: The landes diTeiling andTolgavie : The landes of Qoibrandif-peth : The Erledomeof Marches The landes of Trabeache and Teringzeane : The landes of Carriff , Lejualt and CMenmbrig : The landes of Cowell: The landes and Lord-ihip of Galloway t, abone and beneath Cree: The landes of 'Duncow.: The Caftle and landes ofLochmabene : The landes oiGlencharny and Glenmoreifloim : The landes ofDifcher andTojer: The landes of Kinclewin: TlieLord-fchipofcJ?/i?sto^.- The landes of Rojheith : The landes oi Bute : The landes diRuihvens in Qromar : The affife herring in the Eafl and Weft Seas : The Lord-fiiip of T>umbar : The landes oiNormangill, GhihitegiU& South-wood: The landes oi'Dunedonald : The Kingis wark in Leith : The Kingis (table •. The Kingis Mcedow : The Pallace, zardes , and Parke of ' Haly-rude-hou/e : The Lord-fhippe oiUnlithcow ; without prejudice of the former annexation of the landes and Lord-fliippss abone written, or ony of them, gif ony be maid of before, with tennentes,tennendries,fervice of free-tennentes. 177. T>ecreetes given within Burr owes, fiild receive execution, be letters of hording. ITEM, Becaufe there is na execution on Borrow acles , but only wairding and poynding : Quhilkis not onelie a great trouble to the Magiftrates, bot hurt and defraud to the partie ; In refpect that findrie abfentis their geare : utheris refpeclis not warding -. And that the fuiting of letters conforme, is baith fumptcous to the perfewer, and hinderfum ; the decreetes beand given oftimes of fmallfummes : Therefore OUR SO- VERAINE