Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/349

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THRETTENTH TARLIAMENT. XXL of July. 15-95. 3x7 occur, be reafon of deadlie feedes betuixt great parties , to command the faidis Proveft and Baillies , in their awin perfon, to gairde within the faid Burgh, nicht and daie, asoccafionrequiris, to their great travell and expenfes and paines: Befide, that diverfe honeft perfones , inhabitants of" the faid Burgh , lies bene flaine, mutilat and hurt , in the faid fervice : Neceflarie and expedient it is , that fum gude ancl fubftantious remeid be provided, for redreffing the confufion and difordour abone written, to the glorie of God , the eftablifhing of peace and quietnefle within this Realme, and keeping of the inhabitants thereof under his Hienefle obedience. Therefore the Kingis Majeftie , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , having confidcration of the premifles; with the gude, trewe , and faithfull fervice, done be them to his Ma- jeftie, in all times by-gane : ftatutis and ordainis , that na perfon nor perfones , of quhat eftate or degree that ever they be of, prefume or take upon hande, to difobey, or contraveene the commandement and charge of the faids Proved and Baillies of Edinburgh , prefent and to cum , in the execution of their offices, quhen as they proceede , immediatlie be commande and direction of his Hienefle, be vertew of letters , be deliverance of the Lordes of Secreit Councell, and Seffion : Or be ftacute and ordinance of the Councell of the faid Burgh: Or be their awin authoritie and power, aggrieand alwaies with their awin libertie and privi- ledges; and not prejudgeand the liberties and priviledges of utheris. And that na perfon nor perfones at- tempt nor do ony violence, to them or their offkiares in their name, in the execution of their faidis offices: Certifieng them , and ilk ane of them that dois the fame ; They fall be repute and halden as commit- ters of deforcement , fedirious perfones , and perturbers of the commounweiil of this Realme: andbepu- nifhed therefore in their perfons and guds with all rigour , in example of utheris , according to the Lawes of this Realme. Attour, for the better performing of the premifles , and defenfe of the Kirk ol God , within this land, now in thir perellous daies , be the tenour hereof , gives, grantis and committis to the faidis Proveft and Baillies , and their fucceflbures , free libertie , full power and authoritie , to convocate and aflemble themfelves in armour , and to lift and raife men of weire , fordailie, ouklie and monethlie wages , and to beare and ufehagbuttes, and uther armour quhat-fum-ever, at all times, quhen they fall thinke expedient: For the quhilk na crime nor offenfe fall be impute to them , nor their fliccefloures : Nor fall not be called nor troubled in their perfones or gudes, civilie nor criminallie therefore , in ony time cumming , Notwithftanding of ony Proclama' ion maid in the contrair , and all paines conteined there- intill: Providing alwaies that the occafion thereof be firft fignified to the Kingis Majeftie, to the efteel: that the fame may be done of his Ma- jefties knawledge and allowance. And gif it fall happen ony perfon or perfones , of quhat-fum-ever degree they be of, or uthers being in companie with them; to be flaine, mutilat, or hurt, in refilling, withftand- ing , and deforceing of the faidis Proveft and Baillies , prefent and to cum , in execution of their faids offices, in maner forefaid. And alsgifit fall happen ony perfon or perfons, to be hurt, flaine or mutilate in redding and putting findrie parties meetand in armes , within the faid Burgh ol Edinburgh ; they alwaies redding the faidis parties with lang weapons allanerly ; and not be fchutting of hagbuttes and piftolets , at ony of the par- ties: In thay cafes, and aither of them , the faidis Proveft and Baillies , Councell and communitie of the faid Burgh; nor their fucceflbures, nor na utheris being in companie with them, and ailifting them in the execution of their faids offices ; fall be nawaies, called, troubled, perfewed or molefted criminallie , nor civilie therefore , in their perfon or guddes , in ony time thereafter ; Difchargeing therefore his Hienefle Advocates, Juftices Generall , their Deputes and Clerkes ; Colonelles , SchirefFes , and all uther officiares and Minifters of his Majefties Lawes, prefent and to-cum : Of all calling , accufmg, troubling, molefting, arreifting, following and perfewing of them , or ony of them , for the caufes f orefaidis , and of there offices in that part : According to all equitie and Juftice. 185. t^Anent landes and annual-rentes di/poued to the Toun ^Edinburgh. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of his Eftaites in Parliament , hes ratified and ap- prieved , and be the tenour of this prefent acl:e ; ratifies and apprievis the acte maid of before : in the Par- liament, halden at Edinburgh , the fifth day of Junij ; , the zeir of God, anethoufand, five hundreth , four fcore twelfe zeires : In favoure of the' Proveft, Baillies, Councell and communitie of the Burgh oiEdmburgh; be quhilk OUR SOVERAINE L O R D E , and his Eftaites forefaidis , then ratified and appneved the donationes, and mortificationes , maid be his Hienefle umquhile deareft Mother, inherperfireage: And be his Hienefle felfe, at diverfe times fen his Majefties Coronation of all landes , tenementes, annual- rentes , uther profites and commodities quhat-fum-ever mentioned in the faid acl : quhilkis were given and doted for fuftentation of the Miniftery , Hofpitalles , and College of the faid Burgh , as at mair length is con- teined in the faid aft in all pointes , claufes , articles , and circumftances thereof : Quhilkis ar halden for ex- prefled, in this prefent act. Attour, our faid Soveraine Lord, and his faidis Eftaites , revokis, retreads, and jrefcindis all and findrie infeftmentes, giftes and difpofitiones, maid be our faid Soveraine Lord , to quhat-fum- |ever perfon or perfones, of the faidis landes , tenementes, annual-rentes, utheris dewties and commodities buhat-fum-ever, fen the daites re/pecJive of the infeftmentes, giftes and difpofitiones maid thereofto the faidis iProveft, Baillies, Councell and communitie of the faid Burgh of 'Edinburgh , for fuftentation of the faid Mini- ftery, Hofpitalles and College ; And declaris the fame , with all that followed thereupon , to be in all times cumming, and to have bene in all times by-gane, null and of nane availe, force nor effect. And that the perfones, obteiners of the faidis infeftmentes, giftes, and difpofitiones , fall neverbe heard Zz z to