Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/367

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Swa it sall be lauchfull to trew and honest men, to concurre and joyne themselves in Counsells and actiones, for defense of the lives and goddes of rhemfelves and their fennentes , againft thieves and forners , and to fol- "*"^ eK> low and perfew them , and ail their rapes , ciannes and names , dwell and within the boundes of the Hie-landes if'thfcjtZ' andBordoures (notfubje&begucieandfufficient fovertics and pleges , to be anfwerable to iheLawes, and / 0,WM s- redrefle of parties skaithed) and to take and apprehend their perfones and guddes , keepethemfelves in pri- ^n the foil, or execute them to the death, makand all our Soveraine LordisOfficiars, and Minifters of Juftice , to Burgh or lande , and all his Free-halders , remaining at his Hieneile Faith , peace and obedience , conjun&lie fliejtet, orfeverallie his Hieneile Ju dices to that efteft: with power to halde Courtcs, create members thereof, "v mutilate fummound affifes , ilk perfon under the paine often poundes , als oft as neede beis. And ih-cafe ony of the ^f^ii faide thieves , forners of the faidis clannes , or their affi Iters dwelland in the Hielandes and Bordours (quhiik f**y their. fall not be under gude fovertie or plegeing , as faid is ; betuixt and the flril daye oi^Auguft nixt-to-cum) hap- u *fo^ c penis to be tane , hurt, flaine, or mutilate : Their guddes to be taken and intrometted-with ; their houfes burnt, deftroyed, or caften to the grounds. OUR Soveraine Lorde with advifeofthe faid Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, Willis, grantis, anddeclaris, that the fame fall never be impute as onie crime or of- fenfe , to quhat-fum-ever trew man , authors or executors thereof : NOR they , nor nane of them , fall be called or accufed thereof, criminallie, norciviliebeoniemanerofwayintime cumming : Exonerand and difchargeand them of the fame for ever : And ratifies and apprievis all utheris afts abone fpecified : And ordainis them to extend over all the Realme. 2. x 8, 'Prelates andtithers beneficedperfonesfuldhavereliefe of their taxation, UR Soveraine Lorde and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, for the better explaining of the releife granted to Prelates and Minifteres provided to parfonages and vicarages , Vicares , and utheris bene- ficed men, be the Ad maid be the Eftaites laitlie conveened , upon the taxation' of ane hundreth thoufand pundes , granted be them for the defray of the honourable charges of die Princis Baptifme : Findis and de- claris that they and everie ane of them fall have their juft releife/ro rata , of their part of this prefent taxation, upon the fewares , vaffalles, petitioners, and rackef-men of teinds of their feverall Benefices. xicj. That the Temporal/ landes annexed to the Crown fill remaine therewith , and that they fit Id be retoured. OU R Soveraine Lorde , and his Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , declaris and ordainis , that all few* landes annexed to his Majefties Crown , be the act of annexation , remaine with his Majeftie & Crown in all time hereafter. And that all few-landes annexed , or usher few-lands quhat-fum-ever , within this Re- alme, be retoured and availed, tomarkeor pennie lands, that his Majeftie may knawthe awner thereof And being retoured that quhen it fall happen ony impoft or taxation to be raifed , that the faidis fewares fall be charged according to their retours. 130. Caution fuld be found be them quhafuld make compt in the Checker. OUR Soveraine Lord and Eftaites of Parliament, ratifies and apprievis , the act: maid at Edinburgh, thezeirofGOD, anethoufand, five hundreth , auchtie feven zeires ; Anent making of Compt in khe Checker ; And ftatutis and ordainis , that all the Chalmerlaines and fewares of his Majefties proper landes , Cuftomets , Baillies of Burrowes , Schireffes and utheris intromettours with the dewties of his Hie- neile propertie and cafualities , fall finde caution and fovertie, Burgeftes of Edinburgh , for their zeirlie com- peirance and making of compt in the Checker. 1 FINIS. ANE TABLE Of the T ARTICVLAR ^ACTE S and uthers , maidte King JAMES theSext, in the Fourtenth Parliament, the <uiij. <?/Junij , the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, ninetie four zeires , not imprinted. t lTEcla.ration anent the annexation ofYd&o and Coldinghame. % j That na prejudice be done to the Queenes CHajeftie in this prefent Parliament, 3 _Al~i in favour of the (JMinifters ofGlafgow. 4. Ratification of the Kirk of Brunt-Hand. . J, r ., Bbb 3 5 Rati