FIFTENTH PARLIAMENT . XIX. of December, i S97 . H7 THE F I F T E N T it PARLIAMENT b f KING JAMES THE SEXT, r . Halden at Edinburgh, the nineteenth day cf December , the zeir of God, ane thoufand , five huh- dreth , nmetie feven zeires. X3 1 . All LMinifters provided to Prelacies , ftild have vote in Parliament. U R SOVERAINE L O R D , A N D His Hienefle Eftaites in Parliamerite, i havand fpeciall confideration and regairde , of the great Priviledges and immunities, granted bee his Hienefle Predeceflbures , of maift worthie memorie , to the halie ^^^ Kirk, within this Realme; And to the fpeciall perfones , exei cing the offices, titles, |H and dignities of Prelacies, within die famin : Quhiikis perfones , lies ever repre- Ifr/fented ane of the Eftaites of this Realme, in all conventiones of the faidis Eftaites : and freedomes hes bene from time to time renewed ..■gritie , and condition , quhair-in they were at ony >^^* > l >|^^^^^^' time of before : Swa that his Majeftie , acknowledging the famin now to be fal- len and becurrtmiri , under his Majefties maift favourable protection : Therefore his Majeftie of his greate zeale , and lingular affection , quhilk hee alwayes hes to the. advancement of the 'trew Religion , prefentlie profefled within this Realme with advife and confent of his Hienefle Eftaites , fta- tutis, decernis, and decisis, that the Kirk within this Realme , quhairin the famin Religion is profefled, is the trew and halie Kirk : And that fik Paftoures and Minifters within the famin , as at ony time his Ma- jeftie fall pleafe to provide to die office , place , title , and dignitie of ane Biihop , Abbot , or uther Prelate, Hill at all time hereafter , have vote in Parliament , fik-like and als freelie , as ony uther Ecclefiafticall Pre- late had at ony time by-gane : And als declaris, that all and quhat-fum-ever Bilhopprickes , prefentlie vaikand in his Hienefle handes , quhilkis as zit ar un-difponed to ony perfon; or quhiikis fall happen at ony time hereafter , tovaik, fall be onclie difponed be his Majeftie , to actuall Preacheres arid Minifters in the Kirk : or to fik uthers perfones , as fall be toundin apt and qualified , to ufe and exercife the Office and fun- ction of ane Minifter and Preacher : And quha in their provifiones to die faid Bilhopprickes, fall accept in, and upon them, to be a6tuali Paftoures and Minifters : And according thereto, fall practize and exerce tlie famin thereafter. ITEM, As concerning the office of the faidis perfones, to be provided to the faidis Bilhopprickes , in their SpintuallPolicie and governement in the Kirk : The Eftaites of Parliament , hes remitted, and re- mittis the famin to the Kingis Majeftie , to be advifed , cbnfulted , and agreed upon , be his Hienefle , with the Generail Aflemblie of the Minifters, at fik times as his Majeftie fall thinke expedient to treat with them there-upon : But prejudice alwayes in the meane-time , of the jurifdicjtion and difcipline of the Kirk , eftablifhed be A&es of Parliament , maid in onie time preceeding , and permitted be the faidis Acts , to ail Generail and Provinciall Aflemblies , and Uthers quhat-fum-ever Presbyteries and Sefliones of the Kirk. 232. Kirk-zairde dykes Juld be bigged, OUR SoveraineLord, and Eftaites in Parliament , ftatutis, decernis and ordainis : That all Paro'chi- ners of everie Paroch Kirk widiin this Realme, build and repairc die Kirk-zairde dykes of their awin ParochKirk, with ftane and morture , to the hight of twa elnes : And to make fufficient ftiles and entrefie in die faidis dykes , to pas to the Kirk arid' Kirk-zaird diereof -. And ordainis the Lordes of die Seffion to di- rect and give letters and charges thereupon , in forme as effeirfs. 23 3 , Alienation of the Kingis annexed firoffertie. TH E Kingis Majeftie , and.Eftaites in Parliament, decernis and declaris , that all heretable infeftmentes of few-ferme , fet , given , and difponed be his Hienefle, or ony of his Progenitoures of gude memorie, of annexed propertie , is null of the Law, be way of action or exception , except fik infeftfricntes & difpofitiones, quhiikis ar fet be his Majeftie, or his Predeceflbures , being of perfite age , after diflblution maid in Parka"- mente, inhisortheirmajoritie, with augmentation of the rentall, 234. The