Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/381

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FIFTENTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of -December. 15 - 97 . ^ % 7$- Of per fines dwelland within Burgh, fithjcB to the hereof the par t to watching and warding. FO R - fameikle as there is diverfe in-habitantes that dwellis and rem amis within the free Burrowes , with their families , and ar of reafonable fubflance : As alfvva lies rentes and livinges within the famin Burgh, zitrefufis to contribute for the interteinement of the puire, watching and warding within Burgh, with the reft of the Nichtboures: or to beare their parte of fik uther dewties, as concemis his Majefties fervice , thereby living at libertie, neither knawand die Magistrates in Kirk nor Policie : Tothegreathinderanceof his Majefties fervice , and the haill Realme : For remeid quhairof , It is ftatute and ordained , be our S O- VERAINE LORD, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, That all fik as lies their refi- dence and dwelling within the faidis Burrowes , be their families : And may fpend ane hundreth poundes of zeirly rent within the fame , or ftented be the difcreit Nichtboures , to be worth twa thoufand markes infreeguddes: fall be fubject to be burdened with the reft of the inhabitantes , for the advancement of the glorie of God , his Majefties fervice , and weill of the Burgh quhair they dwell : Providing alwaies that this act be nawaies extended to fik as ar exeemed for his Majefties fervice, as ane. of ilk occupation for that caufe: Neither to ony perfon that ar members of the College of Juftice, and admitted be the Lordes of the Seflion. zj6. t^dll Burgejfes fuld be taxed and ftented be their CMagiftrates , according to the rentes within Burgh. OU R Soveraine Lord , and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , underftanding that at fik tymes, as taxationes and ftentes , occurris within this lande: That the. Proved and Baillies of Bur- rowes, and fik as they appoynt Stenters within the famin, without allgudordour and difcretion , ftentis fin- drie of the Burgefles, inhabitants of the Burrowes , quha hes their fpecial rents and livinges to Land-wart , out- with burgh, according to their abilitie , alfweill to Land wart , asto Burgh, albeit reafon and equitiewauld crave , that they fuld be only ftented , according to their rentes , and halding within Burgh : Becaufe their rents and living lyand to Landwarte , ar ftented , with the Barronnes , Gentle-men , and Free-halders with- in the Shires quhair they lye : It is therefore ftatute and ordained, that in all time aiming, it fall not be leafum to the Proveft and Baillies of Burghes , nor na Stenters within the fame , to ftente ony periones therein , accord- ing to their livinges and rentes lyand out- with Burgh : Bot only according to their rents and halding within. Burgh, astheydowithvtherperfones, of their rancke and fubftance , that hes na rente nor living out- with Burgh , and na utherwayes. i-j-j. Ane T AX AT ION to be granted to the KING: The forme and 'matter of the up-taking thereof HE Eftaites of Parliament , prefentlie convcenied , confidderinghowexpedienteitisthat his Majeftie , for findrie weichtie affaires , and of greate confequence, tending to the ad- vancement of his Hienefle honour and Eftaite , and to the benefite of all the haill Lieges of this Realme : Sail direct diverfe and findrie honorable Embafladoures , to findrie foreine Princes : And fore-feeing the great and exceiTive charges that man bee maid bee his Majeftie , in furnifhing , and reiking out ofthefaide Embafladoures: And his faidis Eftaites being willing to helpe, further, and fupplie the famin , and relieve his Majeftie of ane parte thereof: HES Therefore freelie and voluntarilie offered and graunted to his Majeftie ane taxation of twa hundreth The <*"»*- thoufand markes , to bee uplifted and payed be the haill Lieges of this Realme, in forme as followis. Lhat^J-j^f 6 is to fay : The fumme of ane hundreth dioufand markes , bee the Spiritual eftate : The fumnie of threefcore, fex thoufand, fex hundreth, threefcore fex markes, audit lhilinges, ten pennies, be the Barronnes, & Free- halders : And the fume of threttie , three thoufand , three hundreth, threttie three markes , foure lhilinges , fex pennies , be the Burrowes of diis Realme : And that to be payed betuixt and the firft day of Apri/,nixt to-cum: And for in-bringing of the Spiritual perfones part of the faid taxation : IT IS Ordained, that letters be direct , chargeing all and findrie Bifhoppes , Abbottes, Priors, and utheris beneficed perfones , conteined in the taxt roll , their Charmerlanes, Factoures, and intromettours With their livinges, to make payment of that fumme, that they and everie ane of them ar taxt , to Mar ke, We *% Lord of New-bottle , Maifter of requeftes , his Hienefle Collectour general : , appoynted for receiving of the faide haill taxation : or his deputes and offkiars in his name , havand his power to receive the famin : And that betuixt and the fifteendi day ofAf^zr^nixt to-cum, under the paine of rebellion, and putting of them to the Home : And gif they tailzie , the faid day being by-paft * to denunce &c. And that the Prelates and beneficed men for their relieve, have letters to charge their vaflalles, fub-vaflalles , Fewars, Tackef-men, Ladies of Terce, conjunct-feers , live-rentars , and penfioners , to make payment of their partes of the faid taxation pro rata< within xx. dayes, nixt after they be charged thereto , under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie.^f. To denunce &c. And gif neede beis , to poynd and diftreinzie D d d % theret