Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/39

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Halden at Edinburgh, the twentie two. daie of October, the zeir of God , ane thousand, foure hundreth, thirtie sex zeires,

137. Of Thieeft-bute.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained be the King, with consent of the three Estaites, that noutrher Lord of Regalitie, Schireffe, Barronne, nor utheris, sell onie thiefe, or fine with him of thieftdome done, nor to be done, under the paine to the Lords of the Regalitie, doand the contrarie, of tinsell of the Regalities, and Barronnes, Justices and Schireffes of life and gudes. Saifand that this statute sall not strike to Bordourers dwelling on the Marches, but for thieft to be done, after the making of this statute. And this statute induring the Kingis will.

138. That assisors suld sweare.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that all Judges sall garre the assisoures swear in the making of their aith, quhen they are charged to assises, that they nouther have tane, nor sall take meede nor buddes of ony partie: And gif onie sik be given, or hecht: or onie prayer maid before the giving out of the declaration and determination of the assisoures: the said assisoures sall openly reveale the buddes, gifts or prayers, and the quandtie and maner thereof to the Judge in plaine Court.

139. Of arreistment to be made be the Crowner.

ITEM, It is ordained, that all Crowners sall arreist at all time, alsweill before the crie of the Aire, as after, all them that sall be given to him in portuous bee the Justice Clerke, and nane utheris.

140. Trespassoures may be accused at the Kingis instance allanerly.

ITEM, It is ordained, that all Maires and Serjandes arreist at the Schireffis bidding, albeit that a patie follower be, all tresspasssoures: and that the said Schireffe follow the saids trespassoures in the Kings name, gif na partie follower appearis.

141. Assurance with English-men is treason.

ITEM, It is ordained, that na man be allured of English-men, nor take protections of them for landes or gudes, bot allanerly the Wardens, quhilkis sall have leave given by the King, under the paine of treason.

142. Justice suld be done upon thieves in all haste.

ITEM, It is ordained for mair stanching of thieft and trespasse, that suppose a thiefe byde twa Sunnes, three or foure, or maa, after he be attached, he sall not have freedome to abide fourtie dayes, but he sall be judged als soone, as a courte may be set therefore.

143. Of in-bringing of Bulzeon.

ITEM, It is ordained, that of ilk sack of wooll, that sall passe out of Scotlande, and the Scottis Merchande gif he failis therewith, or the Scottis Merchande that selles it to strangers, sall finde aicker soverrtie to the Customers of the Portes, quhair the Schippes saillis, to bring hame in Scotlande to the Maister of the Kingis cuinzie, three ounce of Bulzeon, and of a last of hydes as meikle, as of the three sacks of wooll. And of five Hamburgh barrelles alsmeikle, as of a sack of wooll. And of uther gudes, that awe na custome, or awe custome, after the fraucht of the Serplaith: that is to say, it that payis a Serplaith in fraucht, sall bring three ounce of Builzeon hame, under the paine of tinsel of alsmeikle Builzeon, as they suld bring hame to be applyed to the King. And the customers of ilk Burgh sall write all maner of gudes, that enters to schip-buird for the searching of knawledge heirof,

144. That