Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/394

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37 % KING JAMES THESE XT and Seminarie Preifts , is very frequent in fundry parts of this Realme, where-thfow great numbers of ig- norant and fimple people are feduced by them, to declyne from the true and Chriftian Religion, to the offence and difpleafure of God. For remeed whereof, it is ftatute and ©rdained by his Majeftie , and Lords of his Heighnes fecret Coun-

gr cell, thatwhatfomeverjefuites, Seminarie Preifts , excommunicat and tracking Papifts, prefently being

within this Realme ; or that fhall happen to be within the famine , flia.ll immediatiy after their delation to his Majeftie , be taken and apprehended by ordinar Magifhrats of the bounds where they refort , and committed towarde, ay and whill they be converted to the Religion, removed and put out of the Countrie , cr eife punifhed according to the tennour of the faids acts! So that ahvyfe the beneflte of the act of Parliament, granting to other Papifts the fpace of fourtie dayes to fatisfie the Kirk, or to remove of the Countrie, iliaii be nowyfe extended to them. And becaufe the refet whilk they have founden in diverfe parts of the Coun- trie , hes given them the boldnes fo avowedlie to contemne his Majeftie and his Lawes. That therefore fik perfons as fhall be given up by the Presbyteries , or Seifion of the Kirk, to be the reletters and hurdersof them , mall be charged under fik pecunial paines , as fhall be modified by his Majeftie , and Lords of fecrec Counfell , not to relet them hereafter with this addition ; that his Majeftie and Eftaites of Parliament declares that every Earle that fhall happen to refet any , mall pay a thoufand pounds. Every Lord , a thoufand marks. Every Barron, five hundreth pounds. Every Free-halder , three hundreth marks. Every Yeoman , fourtie pounds. And every Burges according to the modification of the Kings Majeftie and Lords of fecret Coun- fell; the paine ahvyfe not exceedand the fumme of an hundreth pounds. Whilks paines the faids Eftaites hes ordained OUR SOVERA1GNE LORDS Thefaurer to exact with all extremitie againft the contraveiners hereof, and to intromet there-with to his Heighnes ufe. to. Ratification of the act anent Jirong and idle beggers. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with ad vyce of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies and confirmes die acl made by his Heighnes and Eftaites cohveined at Terth the firft day of AppryJe laft by paft , againft ftrong and idle beggers ; whereof the tennour followes. The Kings Majeltie and Lords of fecret Counfell , remembring how there hes bene diverfe gude and lovable acts of Parliament and fecret Counfell , made and publifhed heretofore , for punimment of ftrong and idle beggers , and releef of the poore and impotent. And how the faids acts hes received litle or no effect , or execution by the overfight and negligence of the perfons , who were nominat Juftices and Commiffioners , for putting of the faids acts to full and due execution , And that i here was not a fpecial penaltie , appoynted and enjoy ned to them, who mould be remifie and negligent therein. So that die ftrong and idle beggers being for the molt part theeves, bairds and counterfitte limmers , living moft infolentlie and ungodly , without manage or Baptifnie of a great number of their children , are fuffered to vaig and wander throughout the haill Countrie , and the poore and imootent perfons are neglected , and no care had , ■ nor prov ifion made for their enterteinement and fuftenta- tion. For remeed whereof, and fupplie of the faids acts , and namely of the act of Parliament made in the yeare of God 1597- Whereby the execution of the acts of Parliament, is committed to the particular , SelTions of the Kirk , It is ftatute and ordained by the Kings Majeftie , with advyce of the Lords of his fecret! Counfell, that the faids Seffions of the Kirk, where need is, ihall be affifted by ane or twa of the Presbyte- ries; and that they fhall put the faids acts to full and due execution, conforme to the tennour thereof in all 1 poynts, every an of them within their awne bounds, under the paine of twentie pounds to be exacted of i them , fo oft as they mail be found to be remifie or negligent herein. And that thefe prefents fhall beginne to take effect, and have execution upon the firft day of June next to come. And to the effect his Majeftie may be the better affured of the care and diligence of the faids Seffions of the Kirk , in due execution of the faids acts of Parliament , his Majeftie commands the haill Presbyteries of this Realme , to take diligent tryel of the obedience of the Seffions hereanent , and to report their certificat and teftimonial there-upon , to his Ma- jefties Milliliters , betwixt and the firft day of Auguft next to come. Where-throw his Majeftie may there- after proceed againft fik as ihall be negligent as accords : And that letters of publication be direct here-upon as effeirs ; where- throw the faid Seffions of the Kirk , nor no other pretend ignorance. And to command and charge the faids Seffions of the Kirk to put the faids acts of Parliament made againft ftrong and idle beggers, whereof the execution is committed to them , by the faid act of Parliament made in the forefaid yeare oi God 1*97. to due and full execution in all poynts , conforme to the tennour thereof, betwixt and the faid firft day of June next to come, under the faid paine of twentie pounds to be exacted of them,, fo oft as they fhall be founden to be remifie after the faid day. Certifying them that faiiyes , that die faid paine fhall be uplifted of them with all rigour. And fik-like to command and charge the faids Presbyteries to take tryeil of the faids Seffions here-anent , and to report their teftimonial there-upon betwixt and the firft day of Auguft, as faid is. As they will anfwere to his Majeftie upon their obedience at their uttermoft charge and perreli. to. i_Auent the CJiariage of adulterous per Jons. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyce of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, decernes all mariages to be contracted here-after by any perfons devorced for their awne cryme and fact of adulterie,