Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/403

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AVCHTENTH PARLIAMENT. IX. of Julie. 1606. 381 ment , halden at Edinburgh in the Moneth of Julie, the yeare of God ane thoufand, five hundreth, fourefcore [even years. Whereby albeit it was never meaned by his Majeftie , nor by his Eftaites , that the faid Eftaite ofBilnopsconfifting of Benefices of cure, and being ane neceffare Eftaite of the Parliament, mould on any wyfe be fupprefied;yet his Majeftie by experience of the fubfequent ty me, hath clearlie feene that the difmem- bring ana abftrafting from them of their livings , hes broght them in fik contempt and povertie , that they at e not habile to ! u mill neceflares to their privat families, meikle lefle to beare the charges of their wonted rank in Parliament and generall Counfails , and alter the example of their Prediceflburs , to affift and fuppiie their Prince with their Counfell and goods , in tyme of peace and warre. The remeid whereof pfoperlie perteins tohisMajeiiie, whom the haill Eilaites of their bounden duetie , with maift heartlie and faithfull arfeftion humblie and truelie acknawledges to be Soveraigne Monarch , abfolute Prince, Judge and Governour over ail perfons , Eftaites and caufes baith Spirituall and Temporali within his laid Realme. T H E R E F O R E his Majeftie, with exprefle advyce and confent of the faids haill Eftaites of Parliament, being cairfull to repone , reftore and re-integrat the faid Eftaite of Biihops , ro their auncient and accuftumed honour, dignities , prerogatives , priviledges , livings, lands, teynds, rents, thriddes and eftaite, as the famine was in the Reformed Kirk, maift ample and Ire at any tyme before the aft of annexation forefaid. By the ten- nor hereof, retreats, refcinds, reduces , cades, abrogats and annulles the forefaid aft of annexation ot the tem- poraiitie of benefices to the Crown, made in the yeare of God ane thoufand five hundreth fourfcore feavei yeares , as faid is , in fa far as the famine may in any wyfe comprehend or be extended to the authority, dignity prerogative, priviledges , towrs , caftels , fortalices , lands , Kirks , teynds , thriddes or rents of the faids Biihop- ricks, or any part thereof, with all others afts of Parliament , made in prejudice of the faids Biihops, in the pre- mifies or any of them . with all that hes followed or may follow there-upon, and all afts of difmembring of particular Kirks , or cemmoun Kirks of die faids Bifhopricks, from the famine , or for feparating the thriddes of the faids Bifhopricks from the bodie, tytle and twa part of the famine. To the.efleft , the perfons prefentlie provyded to the Bifhopricks of Scotland, or any of diem , or that hereafter fhall be provyded to the famine, may freely, quyetlie and peaceablie enjoy , bruike and poflefle the honours , dignities, priviledges and prerogatives , competent to them or their Eftaite fince the Reformation of Religion ; and all Fowres , Forta- lices, Lands. Kirks, Teynds, Rents, Twapart, Thriddes, Patronages and rights wharfbrnever, be- langing to the Bifhopricks or any of them ,* to ufe and excercife the famine , and freelie difpone u 00 1 the haill twa-pai t and thrid , Temporaluie and Spiritualitie of their faids Bifhopricks , and all the premifles belangtng to the laids Bifhopricks , as the faids Acts of annexation and remanent Acts , made in any wyfe to their preju- dice in the premifles , and everie ane of them , and all that followed there-upon, had never bene made nor done. IheyalwyfeenterteiningtheMinifters, lerving at the cure of the Kirks of their faids Biiluoricks, upon the readieft of their faids thriddes , according to theordinar affignations made or reafonabhe to be made thereancnt. ATTOUR, Becaufe his Majefties intention is onely to reftore the Bifhopricks , whilks are benefices of cure, and nowyfe to alter any thing done in other benefices, whilks are not of cure. And for the better fa- tisfaftion of his Majefties fubjects and faithfull fervants , whom his Majeftie in his princelie liberalitie , for diverfe good refpects and caufes mooving him , hath beneficed, rewarded and advanced with erections, fewes, Patronages, Teyndes, and others infeftments , confirmations of lands , rents, Teyndes, Patronages and others rights of Abbacies , Pryories and others Benefices , not being Bifhopricks. And to the effeft they be not prejudged , nor put in miftruft by this aft , of their faids fecurities in the pre- mifles , His Heighnes with the advyce of the haill Eftaites of Parliament , Ratifies and approves , and for him and his Succeflburs perpetuallie confirmes , the haill ereftions , infeftments, confirmations, Patronages, tacks and others fecurities of Lands, Teyndes, Patronages, rights and rents whatfomever, of the faids haill Benefices foreiaids , or any part thereof (not being Bifhopricks) given, difponedor confirmed by his Maje- ftie , during the tyme of the faid Parliament , halden in the Moneth of Julie, ane thoufand, five hundreth, foure- fcore feven yeares of before or fenfy ne , made agreable to the Lawes and Afts ot the faid Parliament ane thou- fand, five hundreth, fourefcore feven, and others Lawes and Afts made fenfyne. And faithfullie promits in verbo "I'rincipis , never to quarrell nor impugne the famine , directlie nor indirectlie in any tyme comming. As alio for the well and fecuritie of the tenants of the Lands and Teyndes of the faids Bifhopricks , wha fince the Aft of annexation , have deburfed diverfe iummes of money to his Heighnes Thefaurer , for making and confirming to them of their infeftments, tacks and fecurities ot the faids Lands, Teyndes and rents of die Bifhopricks pofleft by them. And to the effect the annulling of the faid Act of annexation , bereave them not altogether of the faids Lands, . Teyndes and Rents of Bifhopricks, acquyredbe them upon their large charges and expenfes , according to the Law then ftanding. And that upon the other part , the faids Bifhop- ricksoe not altogether made unprofitable, by the unlawfull Dilapidation of the rents thereof, and hurtful! converfion of the victuall . caines , cuftumes , and others comnaodities of the famine , for unequall and unwoithie pryces. THEREFORE his Majeftie with advyfe of his Eftaites forefaids , Ordeins the faids perfons pofief- fours of the Lands or Teyndes of Bifhopricks by vertue of Infeftments, Confirmations or Tacks of the famine granted or fett fince the faid Act of annexation , and conforme to the famine , and Lawes of the Re- alme , at the tyme of the making thereof , fhall have the fecurities , confirmations , tacks and rights of