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t^IVCHTE NTH PARLIAMENT. IX. of Julie. i6o6. 387 general quyetnefle , to renew and beginne hot and bloudie feeds amongft parties. For remeed whereof, and to the effect fik auld decreits ofejection or removing, as were obteined twentie yeares before his Majefties comming to the Crowne ol England, and na execution fought nor obteined there-upon, during the laid fpaoe of twentie yeares preceeding his Majefties obteining of the Crown of England, may not urge and dry ve them to difpare and miferie , fik as have three yeares bygane conteined themfeives in ali duetifuil obedience to his Majefties authoritie and Lawes. 1 HEREFORE His Majeftie and Eftaites forefaids , ftatute and ordaine , that all fik decreits of ejection and removing , and all effect and execution that any way may follow there-upon, fliall ceafe, and in all tyme comming be voyd. Except for obteining of poffeflion ," to the parties in whais favours the faids decreits were pronounced , of the lands therein conteined ; and payment to diem of the ordinare profites, whilks the faids lands have payed, to the perfons againft whom the faids'decreits were given, of die yeares i fince his Majefties going into i^g/^Wallanerlie , and of na^thers yeares preceeding the famine. With fpe- i cial provifion , that in cafe the perfons againit whom the forefaids decreits of removing or ejection were given, I fhall happen hereafter to be lawfuilie denounced rebels, and put to the home, for not obedience of the fore- ifaids decreits ; they being firft charged after the day and date hereof, by all the charges conteined in the let- ters raifed or to be raifed upon the faids decreits to obey the famine. In that cafe , the faids Eftaites of Par- liament , declares that the perfons obteiners of the forefaids decreits , fliall have fufficie nt action againft the perfons defenders , fpecified in the faids decreits for the violent profites of the lands mentioned thereintill, i continuallie fince the obteining of the forefaids decreits, as accords of the law, notwithftanding of this iprefent act. 10. t^AcJ anent directing letters of Horning on Schirefs , Stewarts and Baillies decreits. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ordeins for the greater furtherance and better execution of Juftice to all his Majefties Leiges , and efchewing of the fuperiluous Iland unneceffar charges , whilks they fu ftein by poy tiding on decreits , obteined before Schirefs , Stewarts and I Baillies , alfwell of Royaltie as Regalitie , that the lyke letters and execution of Horning be direct and graunt- | cd by the Lords of Seflion , upon all acts , decreits and fetitences of Schirefs, Stewarts and Baillies alfwell of iiRoyaltie as Regalitie , as are graunted and direct upon decreits , acts and fentences of Provefts and Baillies within Burgh , conforme to the act of Parliament made there- anent , and after the forme and tennour of the ffamine in all poynts. 1 1 . t_/fnent Coalyiers and Salters. OURSOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ftatutes and ordeins, thatnaperfon within this Realme hereafter fhall hyre or conduce any Salters, Coalyiers or Coal- arers , widiout ane fufficient teftimonial of their Maifter whom they laft ferved , fubfery ved with his hand, r at leaft fufficient atteftation of ane reafonable caufe oi their removing , made in prefence of ane Baillie , or e Magiftrat of the part where diey came fra. And in cafe any receave , fee, hyre, fupplie or intertaine any f the faids Coalyiers , Salters or Coal-bearers , without ane fufficient teftimonie, asfaidis. Themaifters horn fra they came , challenging their fervants within yeare and day , that the partie whom fra they are hallenged , fhall delyver them back againe widiin twentie foure houres , under the paine of ane hundreth ounds , to be payed to the perfons whom fra they palled , and that for ilk perfon ; and ilk tyme that they or ny of them fhall happen to be challenged, and not delyvered, asfaidis. And the faids Coalyiers , Coal- earers and Salters , to be efteemed , reput and halden as theives , and punifhed in their bodies, Viz. Sa lany of diem as fhall receave forewages and fees. And die laids Eftaites of this prelent Parliament , gives ower and commiffion to all maifters and awners of Coal-heughs and Pannes , to apprehend all vagabounds nd fturdie beggers to be put to labour. 1 z. t^Acl anent Jetting of Fewes be fubvajfels of ward lauds. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , having confideration of the act and ftatute, madebyhisHeighnesprediceflour, King JAMES the Second of worthie memorie , in the fourtene Parliament, halden by his Majeftie , and threfcoie twelve chaptour of the faid Parliament, anent • f f he fetting of lands in Few-ferme , as the act it felfe at lenth conteines. Under the pretext and cullour, where- iiJpf divers perfons halden their lands of others Superiours, for fervice of warde and releif, have fet the faids llands halden by them, asfaidis, in Few-ferme, to others their fubvafleis, for payment of ane Few-ferme uetie; whereby they doe manifeft prejudice to their faids Superiours, in altering of the faid firit balding, xprefle repugnant to the meaning of the faid firft act. Whereas the faid halding can nawyfe be altered y the vafiels, without fome direct deed done by their fuperiours , tending to approve the faid difpofition, and bilk may alter the nature and condition ot the faid firft halding. For remeed whereof OUR SOVE- RAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament prefentlieconveined, hes ftatute and ordained , and by J the m