Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/41

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Of the
PARTICULAR ACTES and uthers, maid be KING JAMES the Firſt, quhilkis are nocht prented,

In his first Parliament, the twentie sex of May, 1414.

  • OF Finance to be maid for the Kingis coinage in England.
  • Of the maner of Taxation to be maid within the Realme.
  • Ane complaint upon purchassing of Pensiones.

Second Parliament, twelfth of March, 1424.

  • Anent the ordinance of Processiones.

Thrid Parliament, elleventh of March, 1425.

  • Annent the schawing of Chartoures and infestmentes.
  • Of Prayer and Procession to be maid for the King and the Queenie by the Clergie.
  • Anent measures.
  • Anent sitting of Session.

Seventh Parliament, first of March, 1427.

  • Of Cruves and waters.
  • The leave to Merchandes to sure their gudes.

Tenth Parliament 15. of October, 1451.

  • For resisting of rebelloures in the North.

Elleventh Parliament, 2. of March. 1433.

  • Of the Brieve de aquae ductu.
  • Of mandementes to execute the actes of Parliament.
  • That the Law be halden where the trespasse is done.