Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/411

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JVCHTENTH TARLIAMEUT. IX. of Julie. 1606. 389 Chancellarie upon Retours allanerlie. And the faids Eftaites of Parliament , decernes and declares the famine aft made by King JAMES the Fifth of the date above written, to have bene onely made for ilk Seating asare given by vertue of precepts, that paties upon Retours, and to nane others Seafings direct upon any other precept , direft forth of the Chancellarie. O 16. Act in favours of the Burrows Regal. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , Ratifies, approves and continues all afts of Parliament and Lawes , widi all Freedomes, Priviledges, Immunities and Liberties , granted to the Burghs Regail within this Realme by OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD or any of his Heighnes predicefiburs, at any tyme of before. And decernis and declares the faids Burrows, and every ane of them to have good right to bruike their faids priviledges and liberties , as they were wont to do before. 17. Act for faying of unlawfull conventions within Burgh, and for ajf fling of the Magifrats in execution of their offices. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and approves all and whatfomever afts made heretofore by his Majcftie, and his Heighnes progenitours , and the Eftaites of the Realme , for flaying of all tumults, and unlawfull meetings and conventions within Burgh, And ordeins the famine to have effect , and to be put to due execution againft the contraveiners thereof in all poynt?. With this addition , That na perfon nor perfons within Burgh, of whatfomever rank , qualitieor condition they be of, prefume nor take upon hand from this forth , under what fomever cullcur or pretext, to convocat or afiemble themfelves together at any occation, except they make due intimation of the lawfull caufes of their meetings to the Proveit and Baillies of that Burgh , and obteine their licence thereto ; and that na thing be done nor attempted by them in their faids meetings , whilk may tend to the derogation or viola- tion of the ads of Parliament, lawes and conftitutions made for the well and quyctnetie of the faids Burghs. Declaring by thir prefents , the faids unlawful! meetings, and the perfons prefent thereat to be factious and feditious, and all proceedings therein to be null and of nane avaiil. And the faids perfons to be punifhed in their: bodies, goods and geare, with all rigour , conforme to the Lawes of this Realme. A N D to the effect the faids unlawfull meetings with all others tumults , turbulances and pleycs that mall happen to fall out within the faids Burrowes , may be fubftantiouflie fuppretied, Ordeins the haill inhabi- tants of the faids Burrowes , at all occafions to readilie affift and concur with the Magiftrats and Ofticiars thereof, for fetling of the faids tumults and turbulances , and puniihfng of the faids authors and movers there- of. And ilk as ihall not concur and affift with the faids Magiftrats readilie , or their OiTiciars , for redding and fetling of the faids tumults and turbulances, asfaidis, lhall be reput and halden as fofterers and main- temers of the faids tumults, and punifhed tiiereibre in their perfons, and unlawed in their goods at thearbi- triment of the Magiftrats and Councell of the faid burgh , and ordeins publication to be made hereof at the market Crofles of the faids Burrowes , that nane pretend ignorance thereof. 18. Diffblution of Hunt ingt our and Strathbrane. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament prefendie conveined , contiddering that the fetting of the lands of the annexed propertie in Few-ferme , for payment of the auld rentall, with ugmentation , is greatlie to his Majefties benetite and profite , his Heighnes rentall thereby , being made ure, unchangable , unalterable , and nowyfe hable to be difponed and annalied. Hes therefore diflblved, and by the tennor of this prefent aft of Parliament , difTolves from the aft of annexation of the lands of the Earle- iome of Gowrie , and Lordftrip of Huntingtour , alias, Rutbvcn, the haill lands perteining or belanging to

he faid Earledome of Gowrie and Lordihip of Rutbven , and in fpeciall the Lands and Lordfhip of

Huntingtour, and the lands of Strathbrane y and that to the effect diat the famine haill lands (except tik as ire hereafter particularlie enumerated) may be in Few-ferme lacen and heritablie difponed , for payment of he auld duety with augmentation of the rentall. And that the faid aft be extended in ample forme with all laufes neediull. IT Is alwyfe declared, that the lands underwritten , they are to fay , The lands of Cow-gask , with the eynd-fheives thereof , withmylnes, moukers, woods, filhings, pairts, pendickles and pertinents of the amine. The lands of Teill, Letbame , Eafer-Heichame , Gudliburne , hoiilof Huntingtour , the lands of Halieland, {ewzxi&JVefier-Heichame , with the pertinents of the famine , being all of the faid Lordfhip of huntingtour , fliall be diffblved. To the effeft the famine may be fet in blanch-f erme (for payment of ane >ennie) to John Earle oi<JMontrofe, &c. And that for many great , reafonabie and fecne caufes, mentioned n ane particular warrand made for diflblution of the faids lands. 19. i_Aci cf dijfolution of the Lowmonds. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , conveined and halden ' within his Majefties Realme of Scotland. Underftanding that it is neceflare that the haill lands lyand H h h wafte