Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/45

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Halden at Edinburgh the XX. Day of March, The Zeir of God, Ane thousand, foure hundreth, threttie seven zeiris: And of his Reigne the first zeir.

1. Of the Coronation of our Sovcraine Lord.

QVO Die comparentibus tribus Regni statibus apud EDINBURGH, omnes Comites, Nobiles, & Barones, ac Libere-tenentes dicti Regni, venientes ad castrum de EDINBURGH, praæstum Dominum nostrum Regem, cum maxima applausu & apparatu, ad laudem Dei & lætitiam totis populi ad Monasterium Sancta Crucis de EDINBURGH, pro Corona Regni Scotiæ ibidem suscipienda solemiter produxerunt. Cæetera autem præsentis Parliamenti sunt in certis actis tangentibus partes.

2. Revocation of landes, possessiones, and moveable gudes: Alienation of the Kingis Landes.

THE Haill three Estaites of the Realme, sittand in plane Parliament, That is to say, the Clergie, Barronnes, and Commissioners of Burrowes be ane assent, nane discreepand, weill advised and delivered, hes revoked all alienations, alsweill of landes and of poslessiones, as of moveable gudes, that were in his Fathers possession, whome God assoilzie, the time of his decease, given and maid without the advise and consent of the three Estaites, And hes ordained, that ane inventar be maid of all the gudes in to depois belangand to the King by them, that beste knawis the gudes: And that this inventar be keiped to the Kingis age. And hes ordained be maner of statute, that na landes nor possessiones perteining to the King, be given or granted till onie man, without the advise and consent of the three Estaites of the Realme, unto the time of his age of xxj. zeires. And gif it happenis ony sik alienationes to be maid in prejudice or hindring of the Crowne, that it be of na value, force nor effect.