4 6x KING J^AtMES THE SEX T, ACT XVI. lyinent Mettes and Meajures. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament , confidering , thatbythe Aft of Parliament holden in Junij, 1617. there was a Commiflion granted unto certaine perfones therein nominate , for appoynting and eftablifhing a conftant Mette and Meafure , for buying and felling of virtual within this Realme. Which Commiifioners gave out their fentence and determination , declaring the Meafure and Furlot of Linlithgow , to be the juft and only Furlot , which mould bee ufed by all his Majefties Lieges , in buying and felling of virtual. Notwithstanding whereof, there are many and great abufes committed in this Kingdomc , contrarie to the faid Art and determination of the iaids Commiffioners : To the prejudice of His Majefties Lieges. FOR remeed whereof , His Majeftie , and Eftates forefaids , have ratified , approved : and by j the tennor hereof, ratifies, approves , and confirmes, the Art and Statute _rejpe£iive~ above- written, 1 in the whole Heads and conditions of the fame : after the forme and tennour thereof. And commands j and charges , all his Majefties Lieges , and fubjertes , To acknowledge , imbrace , obey , and obferve j the fame Art aud Statute , [ rejpetlive ] in the whole heads and conditions of the fame , in forme and 1 manner fpecially and particularly mentioned and fet downe there-intil , after the formes and tenoures thereof, under all higheft paine, charge, and offence, which they may incurre , through their difobe- 1 dience, and as they will be anfwerable thereanent. ACT XVII. tyinent the difcharging of a Teck to the Bow. OURSOVERAIGNELORD, and EST AT E S of Parliament , undemanding of the ftaude and frequent abufe , committed by many of His Majefties fubjerts , buyers and blockers of virtual ? who knowing that there are conftant and fetled meafures , lawfuly eftablifhed , by the Lawes and ftatutes of this Kingdome: by the which all fortes of virtual univerfaly ought to be bought «nd fold, according to the quantitie appointed by the faids metts, without adding of any quantise to the fame, I or diminiihing there-from. . Yet not the leffe , when they make their bargaines and Conditions anent I the buying of any particular quantitie of virtual , they by their undirert dealing , many ijimes caufe the Seller agree to fuper-adde , and deliver unto them , by and attour the true quantitie which is bought and fold at the prices conveened upon, fome certaine farder quantitie of Virtual, lefleor more, as they may beft move the feller to condifcend to , and for the which they are not fubjert in payment of any price , to the great prejudice of the Lieges , and the manifeft abufe and elufion of the Law. FOR REMEED Whereof, It is ftatuted and ordained, That it (hall not be lawful for any of his Majefties fubjerts , to blocke , or agree upon the price of Virtual , more or lefle , except they firft agree and condifcend upon the price of the firft boll of the bargaine : which being fo agreed upon , the faid price (hall rule the whole quantitie of the reft of the bolles to be receaved by the buyer , who fliall havenoeik, or addition of any further quantitie, except upon the payment of that fame price , as is condi- tioned for the faid firft boll : And if any perfon contraveen this prefent Art, hee fliall pay the fummeof Fourtie fhillings for everie boll of Virtual, receaved by him contrarie to the tennour of this Art: and that by and befide the prices of die Virtual; the halfe of the faid fumme to his Majeftie and his Thefaurer , and the other halfe thereof to the partie delator of the fame. ACT XVIII. A Ratification of the Ac~l of the Lords of Council and Sejfion, made in Julie 1 6 zo. againfi unlawfulDiJpofitions and Alienations , made by Dyvours and Banck-rupts. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advice and confent of the ESTATES , conveened in this prefent Parliament , ratifies , approves , and for his Highnefle , and his Succeflburs , perpetual- ly confirmes the Art of the Lords of Council and Seflion , made againft Dyvours and Banck-rupts t at Edinburgh, the ix daye of Julie, 16x0. and ordaines the fame to have , and take full effert , and exe- cution , as a neceflarie and profitable Law , for the weale of all his Highnefle Subjectes : Of the which Act the tennor followeth. THE LORDS Of Council and Seflion underftanding, by the grievous and juft complaints oi many ofhis Majefties good fubjerts, that the fraud e, malice, and falfhood of a number of Dyvours aud bankrupts , is become fo frequent , and avowed, and hath already taken fuch progrefle , to the over ' throw