Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/547

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Of T E I N D S, &c,


His MAJESTIE'S Decreets following thereupon.

Submiſſionmade be the Lords of Erections, Titulars, Tackſ-men, &c. Gentrie, Heretours of Lands, To His Majeſty, anent their Superiorities, and Teinds, &c.

AT WHITE-HALL, The fiſt day of Februar, And HALY-ROOD-HOVSE, The twenty third day of Februar, The year of God, One thouſand, ſex hundred, Twenty eight. The Perſons under-written having or pretending right to whatsoever Erections, & Temporalities of Benefices, Superiorities, and Few-dewties of the ſame, or to the Kirks, and Teinds great and ſmall, Parſonage, and Viccarage or Patronages of Kirks pertaining to the ſaids Erections, or to any other which they, or any of them, have of other mens Lands, be whatſoever Right, or Title. And ſiclike, the Heretours, and Poſſeſſours of Lands, lyand within the ſaids Kirks, and Benefices, erected, for themſelves, and in name of all Others, who are deſirous to have Right and Title, of the Teinds of their own Lands, at a competent rate, and price, conform to His Majeſties Proclamation made to that effect, THAT IS TO SAY, All the ſaids Perſons, Conſidering, That his Majeſty their Dread, and Gracious Severaign, out of his Royal care, Fatherly, and tender affection, to the publick well of his Majeſties Ancient, and Native Kingdom of Scotland, was lately pleaſed in die Moneth of Januar, the year of God 1627. years, for the eaſe of his Majeſties Subjects, and removing of the general fears which were conceived, by reaſon of his Majeſties Revocation, given forth, and publiſhed in the Moneth of October 1625. years, To grant Commiſſion under his Majeſties great Seal, to certain his Majeſties commiſſioners nominatin the ſaid Commiſſion, to meet, conveen, deale, and treat, anent ſuch reaſonable ſatisfaction, and compoſition, to be given to ſuch of his Majefſies Subjects, as had right to whatſoever erection of Benefices, Temporalities, Few-mails, Kirks, Teinds, and others foreſaids, who ſhould make ſurrender thereof in his Majeſties hands, and anent the moſt convenient and lawful form how the ſaids Perſons ſhould be denuded of the Superiorities of the ſaids Erections, without any compoſition to be made therefore, except for the Few-mails, Few-ferms, and other conſtant Rent of the ſaids Superiorities; And how awful Diſpofitions ſhould be made to the Heretours, and poſſeſſours of Lands, of the Teinds of the ſaids lands pertaining to Erections, for ſuch compoſition, and yearly dewties, to be payed, and reſounded to His Sacred Majeſty, as the ſaids Commiſſioners ſhould think expedient. With power to the ſaids Commiſſioners, to conſult, and agree, upon the eſtabliſhing, and annexing, of a certain Patrimony to the Crown and means thereof to remain with the Crown for ever; As the ſaid Commiſſion of the date foreſaid, bearing certain Declarations, Reſervarions, and other Proviſions in favours of his Majeſties Subjects having right to Erections; And in favours of Heretours, and Poſſeſſours of Lands, for ſecuring of the Teinds of the ſame, at more lenth is contained. BY VERTUE, and conform to the which Commiſſion, the ſaids Commiſſioners having now conveened, and treated anent the premiſies, from the ſaid Moneth of Janur, until the laſt day of June, laſt by-paſt; There was during that time a good progreſs made by them in the ſaid buſſineſs committed to their care, And by an Act of the date the Twenty ninth day of May laſt by-paſt, It was adviſed, concluded, and enacted, That his Majeſty and His Succeſſours, ſhould have a conſtant, Rent and Dewty payed out of the whole Teinds of the ſaid Kingdom conſiſting in victual, or ſilver, excepting the particular Teinds, excepted and reſerved be the ſaid Act, viz. Of every boll of the beſt Teind Wheat, Ten ſhillings, of every Boll of beſt Teind Bear, Eight ſhillings, and of every Boll of the beſt Teind Oats, Peaſe, and Rye, Sex ſhillings, and ſo the ſaids Rents to be modified out of the whole of the Teind bolls of victual of the Teinds foreſaids, being of inferiour worth, goodneſs, and, prices, according to the proportion of the ſaids Dewties, and Rent, laid, and impoſed upon the beſt Boll of every kinde, in manner foreſaid, And where Oats are of the nature, that they will not render above half meale, the Rent to be Three ſhillings: And alſo of every Hundred merks of Parſonage, and Viccarage Teinds, which are not Victual, the ſum of Sex merks money, of yearly rent, and dewty, LIKE AS the ſaids Commiſſioners having entered upon conſideration of the compoſition to have been given be his Sacred Majeſty, for the Few-mails, and other certain rent depending upon the Superiority of the ſaids
