Halden at Edinburgh, the ſexteenth daie of Julij, the zeir of God, ane thouſand, foure hundreth, fiftie foure zeires.
40. That in-bringers of victual, ſold be favorablie treated.
TEM, For infringing of victualles, it is ordained, that ſtrangers that bringis in victualles, be favorably treated, and thankefullie payed for their victualles: And that there be na new cuſtome tane of them, and that there be na mair victual tane to die Kingis parte, bot allanerly alſmeikle as will ſerve his houſhalde: And richt-ſwva, gif Scottis Merchandes bringis in victual to England, that they be favorablie treated, as ſaid is.
Halden at Edinburgh, the fourth date of the Month of Auguſt , the zeir of God, ane thouſand, foure hundreth, fiftie five zeires.
41 . The Annexation of landes to the Crowne.
TEM, In the firſt, for-ſameikle as the povertie of the Crowne, is oft-times the cauſe of the povertie of the Realme, and that manie uther inconvenients ar there throw, the quhilkis were lang to expreeme, be the adviſe of the full Councell of the Parliament; It is ſtatute and ordained, that in ilk parte of the Realme for the Kings reſidence, quhair it happenis him to be, there be certaine Lord-ſhippes and Caſtelles annexed to the Crowne, perpetually to remaine. The quhilk may not be given in fee and heritage awaie, nor in franck-tenement to onie perſon, of quhat eſtaite or degree that ever he be, but adviſe, deliverance and decreete of the haill Parliament, and for great fee and and reaſonable cauſes of the Realme. And albeit it happenis our Soveraine Lord that now is, or onie of his Succeſſours Kinges of Scotland, till annaly or diſpone upon the Lord-ſhppes & Caſtelles annexed to the Crowne, as is before ſaid, that alienation or diſpontion ſall be of nane avaite. And it ſall be lauchfull to the King, beand for the time to receive thay landes, quhen ever him likis to his awin uſe, but onie proceſſe of Law, and the takers ſall reſound all profites, that they have taken up of thay landes againe to the King, for all the time that they have them, and that our Soveraine Lord, that now is, be ſworn, and in like maner all his Succeſſours Kinges of Scotland, into their Coronation, to the keiping of this ſtatute, and all the poyntes thereof. Thir are the Lord-ſhippes and Caſtelles annexed to the Crowne.
IN The firſt, the haill cuſtomes of Scotland, the quhilkis were in our Soveraine Lordis handes the daie
of his