Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/581

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Act i3» *4: King CHARLES the II. 1661. ti Treafure and Commiffioners of Exchequer, nor to any other Gifts, Confirmations, Chatters Upon Re- signation, where the faids Gifts, Confirmations and Charters were made and granted , in prejudice of any perfon or perfons who had former rights granted unto them by His Majefty', or His Royal Father of bleffed memory, under their Seals, or Pail their Royal Hands. And generally providing that all and whatfoever Gifts, Grants, Commiffions, Charters and other Writs whatsoever, pall m Exchequer, and through the Seals in the Ufurpers time, and all and whatfoever Acts and Sentences pronounced and given forth by them, fhall and may, be 'called in queftion at the Inftance of any of the people, who may pretend to have been unjuftly wronged and prejudged thereby ; And that upon complaints to be given into HisMajefties Trealurer andCommiffioners of Exchequer, wherein they fhall have power to determine, as they fhall think juft arid reafonable. XII L * A ft and offer of Fourty thousand pounds Sterling, to be paid to the Kings Majefty yearly dd ring His lifetime by this Kingdom THe Eftates of Parliament, taking to their confederation, the great happinefTe this Kingdom hatli in former time injoyed, under the Government of His Majefties ifoyal Anceftors, with the mi- ferics and bondage, which by the neglect and contempt of the Authority, and commands of His Royal Father of bleffed memory, it hath groaned under, during thefe twenty years troubles. And that the Kings Majefty, hath been gracioufly pleafed (notwitManding of all the provocations given to himfelf and His Royal Father) to evidence His affection and favour to this His ancient Kingdom, com- j forting and reviving it, by the Rayes of His Royal Government and Authority, under the protecti- on of which, the juft Liberties , Freedom and Intereft of this Kingdom, and the Subjects thereof, are, and can only be, fecured ; Do with all humble duty, thankfulneffe and fincerity, acknowledge His Mdjefties unparallel'd Grace and Goodneffe. And that as their happinefTe doth depend upon , the Safety of His Majefties Vetfon, and the eftablifhment and exercife of His Royal Authority and Greatnefle : So this Kingdom will be ready at all occafions, to offer their Lives and Fortunes aoainft all deadly, in every caufe, wherein His Majefties Perfon, Authority, Prerogative, or Government may be concerned. And feeing, for the due eftablifhment of His Majefties Authority, and fettling and fecuring the peace of this Kingdom, His Majefty may have occafion, for fome time, to raife, j and keep fome Forces within the Kingdom; and that the late troubles will at prel'ent, necefiitate a a greater expence, for fupport of the Royal Government, then formerly, and that His Majefty hath I fignified His refolution, not to raife any more Sefs; Therefore, and from the due fenfe of their duty and obligations, the Eftates of Parliament, Do in name of the Kingdom, make humble and cheat- full offer to his Majefty, of a yearly Annuity, of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterling, during all the | dayes ofHis Majefties lifetime , which they pray may be long and profperous, that this Kingdom 1 may have further occafion, to let the world know, they do above all things, hate the very thoughts I of difloyalty, and that no people under Heaven, can exprefle more duty and obedience to the Au- ! thority and Commands of their Sovcraign, then they arc, and will be ready to do. XIV. Att for raifing the Annuity of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterling, granted to His Majefty. THe Eftates of Parliament, in purfuance of their Act, of the date the twenty two day of this inftant; whereby they have made offer to HisMajefty of the fum of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterling yearly during all the dayes of His Majefties lifetime, towards the entertainment of an^ fuch Forces as His Majefty fliall think fit to raife and keep up within this Kingdom ; or othferwayes towards the defraying of the neceffary charge of His Government, according to His Royal pleafure | Appoints and Ordains the faid fum of Fourty thoufand pounds Sterling, being Four hundred four- fcore thoufand pounds Scots money, to be raffed, levied, collected and paid, in manner under-written; viz. Ninty fix thoufand pounds Scots thereof to be raifed yearly off the Inland Salt and Forraign Commodities attermentioncd; To wit, threefcore twelve pounds Scots upon ilk Tun ofSpanifb Wine, Cannary, Malvefie, and all other Wines of the like kind; Fourty eight pounds money forefaid, upcri ilk Tun of French Wine, and twelve pennies money forefaid, upon ilk pint 6f Vilieger • fix pounds' upon ilk Barrel of Imported Soap : fourty {hillings upon ilk Boll of Forraign Bey-falt, and Salt upon Salti B i &nlitghgbw