Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/587

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Aft 14. King CHARLES the It . 1 661. ly Wigtoun,, For the Sheriffdom oi Wigtoun and Burghs within the fame, James Earl of Galloway , Alexan- der Lord Gairlies, Andrew Agnew appearand of Lochnaw, Thomas T)unbar of Mochrum, Ta* trick Mackdowald of Logan, William Stewart oiCaftleftewart,ZJchtrickMackdonnal oiFreuck, Willi amGordoun of Cratch law, Sir JamesT)alrimple of Stair, T>avid T)umbar of Baldon, A- lexander Maculloch of ArdvaU, John Murray of Brughtoun, John HowsJoun of DrummasJoun, William Stewart of Egimefs, George Stewart of Tudergie, William Mac guffock of Alterry, Tha* mas Stewart of G lent ark, Richard Murray of Brughtoun younger, j^/z MaccuUoch oiMyrtoun. Stewartry of Kirkcudburgh. For the Stewartry of Kirkcudburgh and Burghs within the fame, Robert Earl of Ni thifddii , James Earl of Galloway, Robert Vifcount of Kenmure , Alexander Lord Gar lies, John Lord Herri s, JohnLord Kirkcudburgh, Robert Mailer oiHerris, John Herrisoi May bie, Sir lames Murray of Babertoun, T> avid Mac kbr air oi Newark, William Maxwe I oiKirkhoufe, Mr. Alexander Spotfi wood of Sweetheart, Mr. Thomas Hay oi Lands , lames Maxweloi Braikenfide , Roger G ore. oun oiTroquhen, Willi am Gordounoi Shirr oners, Mr. William Gordoun of Earlejloun, Robert Max- weloi Or chart oun, William Mac kleland oi Collin, George Maxweloi Munjhes ,, Richard Mur- ray oi Br oughtoun, Alexander Mackghie oiBalmackghie , William Greirfon of Bargaton , John Corf an of Sannick , Gilbert Brown of Kempiltoun , Iohn Dumbar of Machirmore , John Mure, Tutor of Cafjincarie, TatrickMackieoiLarg, Andrew HerrounoiKiruchtrie , and John Ewart oiMullack, the Pro voft and Bailies of Kirkcudburgh for the time being, and the Provoft oi New* galloway fof the time being, Peibles. For the Sheriffdom of Teibles and Burghs within the fame, John Earl oiTraquair, John Earl of Tweddale, the Lairds of Blackbarronie elder and younger, William Murray of Staiuhope , Sir John Vaitch of Tiaick, John Vaitch his fon, Sir Michael Naefmith oiTcjfa, Sir Robert Murray oi Skirling, Robert Hunter of Tolmude, William Horfburgh of Horfburgh , Walter Murray of Halmyre, Adam Murray of Car don , James Geddes of Kirkurd, John Murray oi Romantic, ■Mr. JohnTiickfon oi Whit flee d, Alexander Bailzie oi Flemingtoun-mi Ine , Mr. John Hay of Hayjionn, George Tali oiTirne, Mr. William Burnet oi Cringe Itie, Qe or ge Brown of Scotfloun 3 Wifliam Brown of Stevinfon, James Law fon oiCairnmure, WilliamGovenoi Car dr on a, wJamiltounoi Caldcoat. Bute.

For the Sheriffdom of Bute and Burghs within the fame, William Duke of Ham iltonn, Sit James

Yfit ewart Sheriff of Bute, Tiottgal Stewart his fon, Heffor Bannatine of Beams > Nini an Stewart MKilcatten, Nini an Stewart of Afiboag, John Stewart oiArdinho, John Hamiltoun , Baily [bf Arran, William Hamiltoun of Coats, James Stewart oi Kiniw bin lick, and John Glask of lBranfer, the Provoft and Bailies of Rothfay for the time being. Stirline. For the Sheriffdom of Stir line and Burghs within the fame, William Duke of Hamiltoun, James farquefsof Montr ofe, Earl of 'Wigtoun, James Earl of Callender, Lord Fleming, James Lord Forrester, Alexander Levingftoun Nevoy to the Earl of Callender , Sir William Levingfloun of Weslquarter, Sir Robert Elphingfloun of Quarrel, Normand Leving- Voun of Milnehill, Mr. Andrew Oswald oiTtalderfe, John Rollo of Wood/ide, William Bruce bf Newtoun, Thomas Elphingfloun of Catherhall , Jfo 'Murray oiTolmau , James Seat oun of p#<r/!i, Sir John Rollo of Bannackbume , Sir Charles Erf kin of Alva, William Stirline of /&r~ ertjhire, Alexander Monro oi Bearcrofts, Sir James Levingfloun oi Kilytb, Ha- miltoun oi Tar dewie, John Stirline oi Bankel, Sir George Stirline oiKeir, Sir Mmgo Stirline KG lor at, Buchannan of that" ilk, Alexander Glafsoi Coltinghoofe , Sir John Stir- Sine oi Car den younger, Walter Leckie oi3)ejljors, John Lee kie of that ilk, Alexander Cunning- ham of Bowhan, and Mr. Alexander Nairn of Easter-Greenyards, the Provoft, Bailies, Dean of jrild, and Treafurer of the Town oi Stir line for the time being. Bamff I For the Sheriffdom of Bamff and Burghs within the fame, W illiam Earl of Marjhal, Marl oiFindlator, Walter Ogilvy oiBoyne, Sir John Gordounoi Tark, Sir AlexanderVrquhar'i f Diinlugus , William limes of Kinermonie , Mr. John Abercrombie of Glaffock , George ordoun of Thornbank , Alexander Garden of Troup . jfo/^j- of Auchrosk ,, bit C Alexdndef