Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/590

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^ The fir ft Pa rliament of Aft 14, William '.Lyon of Eaftergill, "Henry Mauld of Melgum, William Gray of Inner •» 'chtie , John Fo* thringhaM oiDurun, John Ogilvie oPPeil, Patrick Wentounol Strickmartine, James Crigk- totinoikuth'ven, David Neavoyoi that ilk, John Scrimgsr of Kirktoun, John Hunter of Bal- qay, Sir Alexander Wedderbtirn of Blackne'fs , Mi. Patrick Teaman oiDry burgh, Mr. James Kid oiCraigie, Peter Lyon oiCogans, Peter Blair oiDunkeny, David Carnegie of Craig, and Robert Arbuthnet of Fyndotirie, two of the Magiftrates of Forfar, Breichen, Montrofe and Aber- . brothick, for the time being. . For the Town -of Dundee , comprehending as faid is, the Magiftrates and Council for the time being. Berwick. > For the Sheriffdom o£ Berwick and Burghs within the fame, Sir Archibald Cockburn oiLangtoun, James Hoppr ingle of that ilk, John Home of Blaccader , Sir James Home of Eccles , Sir Robert Dowglas of Blaikerhoun, John Home oiPrandergassl , George Ramfay of Idingtoun, Mi. Ro- bert Sinclair of Longformacw, George Home of Kaimbes, Robert Home oIKimerghame, Archi- bald Dowglas oiLumfdaine , John Ker oi Weftnisbit , Patrick Boge of Bun-hcujes , Alexander Home of Linthill, Robert Home of Bogezd, Mr. John Home of Bellita, Mr. Thomas Ridpeih of Fnlfardlies, and the two Bailies of Lawder for the time being. Nairn. • For the Sheriffdom of iAftw>» and Burghs within the fame, Sit Hsg/j Campbel of Caddel , John Xrfant of Moynes, John Hay oi Loch low, HughRofsof Kilravock , Thomas Dumbar oi Grange, Alexander Campbel oiVrchney, Alexander Dumbar of Booth, John Sutherland oi Kihilairte, Hugh Hay of Birchmouy, Colin Campbel oiDelneyes, John Rofs of Br aid ley, High Rojs younger oiCUva, two of the Magiftrates oi the Burgh of Nairn for the time being. With power to the faids Commiiiioners or major part of them, to take trial of what Malt is brewed and fold within their refpecbive divifions, and to order the colie&ing and raifing of the Excifc thereof, at two Merks upon the Boil ; and to raiie the remainder of the proportion impofed upon each re- fpeclive Shire and burgh, which lhail not anie. by payment of the forefaid two merks upon the Boli of Malt, and of the rates impofed upon the other particulars above mentioned, Zfrewed and fold or imported as faid is, irom the refpechve Shires and Burghs in lieu of the Malt brewed in their owrt houfes ; and that according to the rule of the valuations as the fame were apportionat before Angujl laft. As alfo, with power to the faids Commiiiioners to meet and conveen at fuch times and placesas they (hall think fit, and to choofe their own Convceners (who is to adminifter an Oath Defideli Admim- ftratione to the remanent Commiiiioners at their firft meeting, and take the fame himleif) and to appoint 'their own Collectors, and other Officers, except the Clerk, who js to be named by the Clerk of Regifter, and to modifie neceffar Fees for the faids Collectors, Clerks, and other Officers, and tofub-divide them- felvesforthe more fpeedy and equal ordering oi the faidExeife. With power alfo to them to eft abiiih Of- fices of Excife (at which Offices, the' whole Brewers are hereby required to make their Entries, atleaft once every moneth, of their weekly- brewing; and by Miller, Maitman, Oath of party ,WitnefIes, or any other lawful manner of way to difprove the Entries given in, and to impofe Fines upon the perfons whofe Entries Mil be difproven, not exceeding the doubie of the value of the Malt conceal'd, and to decern and determine in all cafes and debates, relating to the faid Excife within their refpective divi- fions ; and for that effect to ufe all lawful maner of probation as laid is : And ordains general Letters to be direct gratis upon the faids Commirlioners, their Decreets, at the inftance of the refpective Collectors; or otheiwayes with power to the faids Commiflioners,, to poynd and diftrenizie upon their own Decreets, quarter upon die Deficients, or imprifon their perfons till payment be made of the funis due by them, as veil principal as expences; and which expences the laids Commiffioners are hereby impowred to modifie. And it is hereby Declared, That there fhall be no neceflity to apprize the Goods of the Deficients at the Mercat Crofs, but that it fhall be lawfull to apprize the lame, at the neareft Paroch Church, And ficklike it is hereby Staute and Ordained, that the Commiiii- oners of the reipecUve Shires and Burghs mall be, and are cblieged to pay in their refpeclive proportions of the nud Shires and Burghs to filch as are.,, or fbail be appointed by His Majefty, to