Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/61

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followand or defendand before the Seſſiones, the ſaid Lordes ſall foorthwith gar the expenſes be payed to the partie wrangeouſlie vexed be the modification of the ſaid Lordes.

61. The maner how the cauſe ſall be brocht before the Lordes.

THE Maner as the cauſe ſall be brocht before the Lordes of the Seſſion is this. The Schirefres of the Schires, quhair the ſaid Lordes ſall ſit, ſall be no we warned to proclaime in ilk ane of thir places three Moneth of before the Seſſion, to be halden at dayesand place before written. And gif ony perfones hes ony actiones to follow, he ſall warne them to paſſe to the Kingis Chappel, and raiſe Summondes peremptour, upon fourtiedaies warning, and call his partie before the Lordes of the Seſſion, the quhilkis ſall miniſter unto them juſtice, as efteiris. And the ſummoundes to bee underſtood upon actiones done before the proclaime of the Seſſion. The partie ſall anſwere peremptourlie upon ſhorter time, after as he beis ſummounde, fwa that the time of the ſummoundes extende to fifteene daies. And gif ony adtion perteining to the ſaide Lordes knowledge, bee continued in the time of the ſaid Seſſion, in the Schire quhair the Seſſion ſittis be ony perſones, thay perſones to be arreiſted furth-with, with a Maſer, and juſtice to be done thereupon, as effeiris. And all uther cauſes perteining to the knawledge of the ſaid Lordes, ſall be utterly decided, and determined be them, but ony remeid of appellation to the King or the Parliament. And quhat perſon, that ever purchaſis a ſummondes upon the partie, and he have ony preevis to lead, that he raiſe then a ſummoundes upon his preevis, and bring them with him to the Seſſion, as he will be ſerved.

63. The expenſes of the Lordes.

ITEM, As tuitching the expenſes of the Lords before written, and the places that they ſall ſit in, and the greate gude of the Realme conſidered: The Lordes of the three Eſtaites thinkis, that the ſaidis Lordes of the Seſſion of their awin benevolence, ſuld beare their awin coaſtes, conſidering the ſhortneſſe of the time of their ſitting, the quhilk is bot fourtie daies, and peradventure in feven yeire not to cum again to diem. And to ſupporte ſum parte of their expenſes, they ſall have the Kingis unlaw of their awin court, the quhilk ſall be fourtie ihillinges un-forgiven,to be divided betwixt them, and the Clerk of the Regiſter be evenly portions.

64. Weapon-ſhawings, Fute-ball, Golfe, and Archers.

ITEM, It it is decreeted and ordained, diat the Weaponſchawinges be halden be the Lordes and barronnes Spiritual and Temporal, foure times in the zeir. And that the Fute-ball and Golfe be utterly cryed downe, and not to be uzed. And that the bow markes be maid, at ilk Parizh Kirk a pair of Buttes, and ſchutting be uſed. And that ilk man ſchutte ſex ſchottes at the leaſt, under the paine to be raiſed upon them, that cummis not at the leaſt, twa pennies to be given to them, that cummis to the bowe-markes to drink. And this to be uſed fra Paſche till Alhallow-mes after. And be the nixt Midſommer to be reddy with all their graith Without failzie. And that there be a bower and a fledgear in ilk head town of the Schire. And that the town furniſh him of ſtuffe and graith, after as needs him thereto, that they may ſerve the countrie with. And as tuitching die fute-ball and the golfe, to be puniſhed be the Barronnis un-law, and gif he takis not the unlaw, that it be taken be the Kingis Officiates. And gif the Parochin bemeikle, that there be three or or foure, or five bowe-markes in ſik places, as gainis dierefore. And that all men, that is within fiftie, and paſt twelve zeiris, ſall uſe ſchutting.

65. Of the Deakon of Gold-ſmithes: and of the marking of their warke.

ITEM, As anent the reformation of gold and ſilver wrocht be Gold-ſmithes, and to eſchew the deceiving done to the Kingis lieges, there ſall be ordained in ilk Burgh quhair Gold-ſmithes workis ane underſtandand and a cunnin gman, of gude conſeience, quhilk ſall be Deakone of the craft. And quhen the warke is brocht to the Gold-ſmithe, and it be gold, what gold that beis brocht till him, he ſall give it foorth againe in warke na war, nor elleven graines. And the ſaid Gold-ſmith ſall take his warke or he give it foorth, and paſſe to the Deakone of the craft, & gar him examine, that it be ſa fine as is before written. And the ſaid Deakone ſall ſet his marke and taken thereto, togidder with the ſaid Gold-ſmithes. And gif faulte be founden therein afterwards, the Deakone foreſaid and Gold-ſmithes gudes ſall be in eſcheit to the King, and their lives at the Kingis will. And the ſaide Deakone ſall have to his ſee of ilk ounce wrocht, an penny: And quhair there is no Gold-ſmithes, bot ane in a towne, he ſall ſhew that warke takened with his awin marke to the head Officiares of the towne, quhilkis ſall have a marke in like maner ordained therefore, and ſall be ſet to the ſaid warke. And quhat Gold-ſmith, that givis foorth his warke utherwaies, then is before written, his gudes ſall be confiſcat to the King, and his life at the Kingis will.

66. That na litſar bye claith to ſell.

ITEM, It is ſeene ſpeedefull, that lit be cryed up, and uſed as it was wont to be. And that na Litſtar be Draper, nor bye claith to ſell againe, nor zit thoiled thereto, under the paine of eſcheit.

67. Quhat