Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/617

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m 38. King CHARLES the II. 1661. "~ ;',. , T ~'m 7 or levy, anymore from the faids Fiihers, Merchants, or their Setvants , belonging to the fakls Com- panies, for Ground-leave* but only twelve (hillings Strati for every Laft ; and that in full iatisfacr ion of the Saturday es filhing, or any manner of Dues whatibever. -And for the greater encouragement; cf Merchant- fiihers, Mailers of Ships and other VefTels, and their Servants, to attend the faid Trade |?f Filhing; Hs>Md]efty, by His Soveraign Authority and Prerogative Royal, not only bythefeprefenfs Declares the Ships, Boats and Other VeiTels, with their Furniture, provided for, and in exercife of, the laid Trade of Filhing, no wayes to be Arreftabie by any Creditor, but that the fame and thdfe that lhall lerve therein, ihall not be preffed to any publick fervice, .without His Majeflies particular Command. And that the Fiihers, Mailers and Servants, in the faids Vefiels, and makers of Herring and White-filh, during the whole time of the faid Filliing, and their imployment therein, lhall Be free from all Actions, and no wayes conveenable before any Judge or Judicatory whatfoever for aiiy cauic or caufes Civil, which may be intended againft them ; But alio by the tenour hereof, Declares the faids Fiihers, Mailers and their Servants above-written, mall be free of all Captions, Arfeftments or other Attachments on their perfons, or againft their Materials and Inftruments of Filhing, du- ring the time and feafon of Filhing, they being actually ferving therein allanerly. And further, that none who ihall be upon the Council, or any of the Societies of Trade forefaid, fhall be lyable to Sei's, Scenes or Taxations, for what Stock they have entered or ihall enter in the faids Companies or Societies refyeffive, or for the benefit and profit arifing thereby in time coming. And it is hereby Declared, that it lhall be licent to any of the Council or Societies of the faid Trade of Filhing re. fyeftive, for the good thereof, to dwell and refide in any part or place of this faid Kingdom, al- beit they be Burgeile* in any Burgh Royal, and not thereby lofs their freedom, notwithstanding of any Acl or Acts in the contrair. And in like-manner it is. hereby Declared, that no perfon or per ons ihall have liberty to export Herring or Fifh, nor ufe or have the Priviledges, Liberties and immunities above-written, but thole that lhallenter themfelves and be free in one or other of the faids Compame? and Societies. And finally, it is hereby Sratute and Ordained, that thofc in the Jeveral 5nires and Burghs of this Kingdom, who shall enter in the faids Companies and Societies, con- form to the tenour of this prelent Act, ihall give an account thereof to the Parliament, or His Ma- pfties Council of Trade for the time within alter the ereclion thereof, that the fame maj. be Recorded adfuturam ret memoriam, p > ■ • XL. - „, Aft for Ereffing of ManufaCturies, ' ■.' .'■',', . ;i < - ..".•-■> OUr Soveraign Lord, confidering how many great advantages this Kingdom, and the Subjects thereof, may have by the Erecting, Chenihing and Maintaining of Manufacturies, thereby keep-, iug in the Countrey great iums of money, daily exported for bringing in fuch Commodities as may be made at home, and bringing in money for fuch Commodities as may be made and wrought within the. lame, and exported to Forraign Nations.; ■'■ befides that thereby many Poor people and Idle perfons and Vagabonds, will be let at work and entertained , whereby vertue will be increafed and idle- fet curbed and retrained. And that upon this account , and for this end , feveral Acts have been palt by His Mz/ifi?/ f.r Royal Predecefiors , in their Parliaments , Conventions and Councils ; and eipeciaiiy the one hundred and thirteenth Act of the.feventh Parliament,. and the two hundred and firry , and two hundred fifty two Acts of the fifteenth Parliament of King James the fixth,., 'and Acts of Council in the years one thoufand fix hundred , one thoufand fb-c hundred and one, one, ithoufand fix hundred and twelve, one thoufand fix hundred and fourteen, ' one thoufand fix bun- jdred and fixtten, one thoufand fix hundred and twenty, one thoufand fix hundred and twenty three, and Acts of Convention , one thoufand fix hundred twenty five , .and one thoufand fix hundred twenty fix years. And His Majefty , being refolved to profecute what hath been former-, ly intended , and to give fuch new encouragements as is necellary for advancmg of Manufacturies ; Hath therefore thought fit , with advice and confent of His filiates of Parliament , hereby to Igrant to ail fuch perfons as have or fhall undertake to let up any Manufacturies, the Priyilcdges following, viz. If any Stranger fhall come , or be brought into this Kingdom by Natives, to fet, up Work , and teach his Art in making Cloath , Stuffs , Stockings , Soap , or any other kinie of Manufactury , he lhall enjoy the benefit of the Law, and all other Priviledges that: - a Native doth enjoy ; with power to erect Manufacturies either in Burgh or Landwart as they lhall think fit , and there to dwell and exercife their Trade without any ftop or trouble: And