Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/641

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Afti. King CHARLES the II. ?I bles. And it is Declared , That neither this nor any other Aft of the laft or prefent Sefliori of this Par- liament, mall prejudge any Retours, Signators, Charters, Precepts, Infeftments, Seizings of Lands, Annualrents , or any other Eftate holden immediatlyof Biihops, whereby the fame are retonred or Infeftments of the fame are taken to be holden of the King or his DonatOrs fince the time forefaid ,' u- pon Retours , Refignations , Comprifings , Adjudications , or by way of confirmation , or Precept's of dare conftat or otherwayes ; which Infeftments being orderly pad as they ought to have been for the time, with the Retours , Signators and other Warrands of the fame , His Majeftie with confent fore- faid , doth Ratifie and approve , arid Declares to be valide Rights , as if the fame had been granted or renewed by the faids Arch-bilhops or Bifliops. It is alwayes Declared , that the Declaration and Ra- tification forefaid, /hall not be extended to any new Gift or Grant, or any other Claufe or Right con- tained in the faids Infeftments or Signators , or other Warrands of the fame, whereby any new Gift or original Right of the faids Lands and others are given , or the Right of the fame is granted or convey- ed otherwayes then conform to the Rights and Infeftments thereof, before the time aforefaid. Likeas it is Declared, That the faid Ratification and Declaration forefaid, iliall not corroborat or import any Ratification to the faids Vafials their former Rights, which are to be in the fame cafe as they were in the beginning of the faids troubles, in the year forefaid; In regard it is His Majefties intention; like- as it is Declared by His Majefly, with confent forefaid, That the Arch-Bifhops and Biihops iliall be, as to their Patrimony and Rents , in the fame cafe and condition as they were in the year forefaid ', notwithstanding of whatfoever Ads of the pretended Parliaments, fince the time forefaid, to the con- trair; And notwithftanding of whatfoever Rights, Grants or Deeds flowing from, or depending upon, or done or granted by vertue of any Aft or Afts of the faid pretended Parliaments , which His Maje- ftie with confent forefaid , doth Declare , Decern and Determine to be void and rtull , except in Co far as is referved and ratified in manner abovewritten. It is hereby Declared , That this Acl: of Reftituti- on fhall give no Right to any of the faids Arclv Biihops or Biihops, or their Succefibrs , nor to the Heirs or Executors of the deceafed Bifhops , of any Rents belonging to the Arch-bifhopricks or Bilhopricks preceeding the year, one thoufand, fix hundred and fixty one, after the faid year one thousand, fix hundred and thirty eight ; but that all the faids Rents intrometted widi by , and pertaining to , fuch perfons as had right thereto for the time , and wherewith they have or might have intrometted , fhall j be fecured to them. As alfo, all fuch perfons who, bona fide , have made payment of their Few-duties^ I Teinds and Tcind-duties , and others Rents of their Bilhopricks , are and fhall be alfo fecured , for by-

gones allannerly, free of any action or queflion, notwithflanding of this prefent Aft or any thing there*

i in contained; i i ACT for firefervation of His Majefties Terfon, Authority and Government. ' npHe Eflates of Parliament taking into their confideration , the miferics , confufions, bondage and J- oppreffions, this Kingdom hath groaned under fince the year, one thoufand, fix hundred, and thirty feven, with the caufes and occafions thereof, Do with all humble duty and thankfulnefs acknow- ledge His Majefties unparrallel'd grace and goodnefs, in paffing by the many mifcarriages of His Sub- hefts, and reftoring the Church and State to their ancient Liberties, Freedom, Rights and PoflefTions; and the great Obligations thereby lying upon them to exprefs all poffible care and zeal in the preferva- tion of His Majefties Perfon, (in whofe honour and happinefs confifteth the good and welfare of His people) and in the fecurity and eftablifhment of His Royal Authoritie and Government, againftallfuch [wicked attempts and practices for the time to come. And fince the rife and progrefs of the late trou- bles, did, in a great meafure proceed fromfome treafonable and feditioUs pofitions infufed into the people, Thdt it was lawfull to Subjects , for Reformation , to enter into Covenants and Leagues , or to take wp Arms dgainft the King , or thofe Comtnifsionated by Him , andfuchlike ■. And that manie wilde and rebellious couries were taken and praftifed in purfuance thereof, by unlawful meetings and gatherings of the people, by mutinous and tumultuarie petitions , by infolent and feditious Proteftations againit |His Majefties Royal and juft Commands, by entering into unlawful Oaths and Covenants, by ufur- toing the name and power of Council Tables, and Church Judicatories, after they were by His Maje- ":y difcharged , by treafonable Declarations , that His Majefty was not to be admitted to the exercife of is Royal power, untill he fhould grant their unjuft defires and approve their wicked practices, byre- ellious rifing in Arms againft his Majefty and fuch as had Commiflion from Him ; And by the great countenance , allowance and encouragement given to thefe pernicious courfes by the multitude of fedi- tious Sermons , Libels and Difcourfes , preached , printed and publifhed irt defence thereof. And con- fidering , that as the prefent age is not fully freed of thofe Diftempers , fo pofterity may be apt to re- apfe therein , if timeous remeid be not provided. Therefore the King's Majefty and Eftates of Par- liament