Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/656

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86 The third SeJJion of the fir ft 'Parliament of VIII. A CT difiharging the mixing off in with Lead. UR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eftates of this prefent Parliament confidering , the great hurt fuftained by His Majefties Lieges , by the fraudulent dealing of Pewterers, in mixing the finer fort of Tin brought from England, France, Flanders and other parrs beyond fea, with bafer and courfer mettal of Tin and Lead, and their exacting greater prices betwixt the new Pewter caften by them , and the old which they receive from the Lieges. For remeid thereof, It is Statute and Ordained , that the Pewterer or founder of Tin, fhall put the mark of the Thiftie , and the Deacons mark , with his own name , upon every peece of work that he happens to caft, and that the fame mail be of the fineftof the Pewter marked with the Role in England ; And in cafe the fame be under the fineft of the faid Pewter of England, that the fame fhall be confiicat , and he punilhed in his perfon at the difaaetion of the Magiftrats of the Burgh where he ctwels : And to that effecT: , that there be a Say-mafter appointed by the Magiftrats in each Burgh , for trying of the fame Aslike-wayes, that he fhall take, betwixt die pound of old pewter and Tin, marked with the Rofefore- faid, and the pound of new caften by him, two millings iSVcAr all anerly, under the pain forefaid. IX. ^A C T anent the difcharg ing of Advocations for fums within two hundred merks. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and Eftates of Parliament confidering, the manifold prejudices and troubles arifing to divers of His Majefties Lieges , in purfuing of maters offmal importance , by the too frequent granting of Advocations irom inferiour Judges. Therefore, Ourfaid Soveraign Lord, with advice and confent of the faids Eftates , difcharges the Lords of Seffion from giving and granting Letters of Advocation , of any actions intended or to be intended before whatfoever inferiour Judicatories , which may competently, by the Lawes of the Kingdom , be decided by the faids inferiour Judges , before whom the faid Action is or fhall be intended , for funis of money within two hundred Merks ; or for any other caufe where- unto, by the Laws of the Kingdom , the faids inferiour Judges are exprefly appointed Judges. X ACT in favours of CHinors , anent the duties of the Lands comfrifed from them. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD confidering, the favourable condition of Minors, who are often- times deftitute of Tutors and Curators ; and though they have them, yet in refpeft of their minority , they are not in capacity or credit to raife fums of money for fatisfaclion of their Creditors : And it being un- reasonable , that their Creditors comprifers of their Eftate , fhould, during the not expiring of the legal rever- fioft, which, according to Law continues during their minority, have more advantage by their Eftate then correfponds to the Annual-rent of the true fums owing to them by vertue of their comprifings ; Doth , with advice and confent of his Eftates of Parliament , Ratifie and approve the Ad of Parliament , made in Kuvufl onethoufand, fixhundered, and twenty one , Cap. 6. info far as the fame concerns Minors; And De- clares, thar the true meaning thereof was, and is, that Minors, having right to the Legal reversion, fhould be no further obliged during their minority of twenty one years of age, but allanerly for the Annual-rent of the fums contained in the comprifings ; and that they lofe not the right oixhz fiiper-phis of the mailes and duties of the Lands , fo far as the fame exceeds the faid Annual-rents, during their laid minority. XI. t_A C T againft exportation of money forth of the Kingdom. THe Eftates of Parliament confidering, how much the Kingdom is impoverifhed by the daily exportation of money forth of the fame ; and that the making ufe of our own native Commodities , for furnifhinl us with thefe things which formerly were brought to us from forraign p)aces,is, by the commendable induftry. of feveral deferving Country -men and ingenious Artifts, much improved : And that in order to their en- couragment, and that our own native Commodities may go the better off, necefiar it is , that iorne more fevere reftraint then formerly be laid upon the exportation of money. Therefore , the King's Majefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, That no perfon orperfons whatfoever, mall trade or ufe merchandize with any other Nation, till firftthey take an Oath before the Lord Theafurer or Theafurer-depute, or before fuchperfons as they ITiall appoint for that effecl:, That they mall