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x The third Sejjion of the first 'Parliament of Conform to the old extent or valuation of their Lands, that they fhall have relief of the Jennents and poffes- fors of their Lands, for the one halt" of what they fhall be diftrefled for. And His Majefty, withconfenc forefaids, Ordains Letters of Horning to be directed hereupon, at the inftanceof thePerfons or Societies imployers of the Poor, or perfons intruded by them , againft the Heretors and others for payment of the faid daily allowance for the Poor, oragainflthe recepters of them , being foimployed, for ten mil- lings Scots money per diem, upon fiftteen dayes only: Providing alwayes, that after examination of the cafe,the Lords of the Privy Council fhall find caufe for idrecf ingfuch Letters ; And ordains all Sheriffs, Stew- arts, Bailies of Regality , Principality , Magiftrates of Burroughs , or Juftices of Peace and their Con- {tables, to theaffifting in the apprehending of the faids Vagabonds, or in the bringing of them back to their fervice, after they fhall be imployed: And ftriclly Prohibits and Difcharges all perfons whatfoever , toop- pofe or hinder the taking or bringing back of them in maner forefaid rejpetlive, under the pain of deforcement. Likeas, itishereby Declared, 1 hat the Poor foimployed fhall continue in the fervice of the imployers, and under their direction and correction, in maner forefaid, not only during the fpace of the maintenance to be payed for them by their Parodies, in maner above-written; but alfofor the fpace of feven years thereafter for meat and cloath only ; Declaring alwayes, likeas it is hereby exprefly Declared , that the Burgh of t^Air nor their inhabitants fhall no wayes be comprehended herein, but are excepted here-from in all points. And recommends to the Lords of the Privy Council, to fee this Ad and all former Ads of Parliament made againft fturdy Beggars and Vagabonds, put to execution, with power to them to fupply by their order what fhall be deficient, as to the execution of the faids Acls. XVII. ACT anent the meafure of Coal. OUrSoveraignLord, confidering, that feveral queflions and debates do arife, betwixt the buy ars of Coal, and the Cuftomers and Receivers of the Bullion , anent the meafure of the Chalder, by which the Cuflom and Bullion impofed upon the Coal fhould be paid ; Doth therefore, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statute and Declare, That the rates of Cuflom and Bullion, impofed upon the Chal- der of Coal, is and fhall be underftood of the Culrof chalder; and the faids rates exacted and paid according to that meafure allanerly, notwithftanding of any former Cuftemtothe contray. XVI I I. ACT anent the Foot-meajure. THe Eftates of Parliament confidering, that notwithftanding by the ancientLaws of the Kingdom, the ell is defigned to be thirty feven inches.yet many ufe inches by which the ell is divided into fourty two inches, & of thefe fmal inches.make the Foot-meafure of a fmaller proportion then it ought to be, to the great prejudice of the Lieges; & that the occafion of this liberty hath been,becaufe. that hitherto there hath no Standard been ap- pointed for footmeafure, afwell as other meafures.Therefor His Majefty ,with advice& confent ofHis Eftates of Parliament,Statutes & OrdainsThat from and after the firft day oijune next one thoufand.fix hundred.fixty four, no Work-man nor other perfon fhall make ufe of any other Foot-meafure, then fuch as confifts of twelve of thefe inches whereof the ell contains thirty feven: And that this may be the better made practicable to the Lieges, Ordains an exaft Standard-foot to be made by the Magiftrates of Edinburgh, before the firft of January, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty four , of Iron or Copper , and preferved by the City of Edin- burgh, for all time coming. And that all Burghs fhall have a meafure made according to it, and hung at their Tolbooth doors or upon their Mercat-crofles, before the firft of March, one thoufand, fix hundred and fixty four; And any Burgh that fhall fail in this, fhall be lyable to the penalty of one hundred pounds Scots. And Ordains, That all Wrights, Glaficrs, Mafons, and all other forts of publick Work-men, fhall work by this Foot meafure allanerly, that the Lieges may not be abufed by variety of meafures. Providing alwayes, that this do infer no further priviledge to the Burgh of Edinburgh, in jufting of the Standard to the Shires and Burghs within the Kingdom , then the keeping of the fame ; nor to any others that have Standards of the like nature. ACT