King CHARLES A II. Iol A TAB L E Of the Printed ACTS. i A CT anent the way and matter of Election of the Lords of the Articles. z _/ Act again ft fiparation and difobedience to Ecclefiaftical Authority. 3 Additional At~t concerning the 'Declaration to befigued by all per fins inpublick Trufi. .4 %_Att against Trot ect ions. . , . 5- Act for the ejlablijhment and constitution of a NationalSynod. 6 Act anent ruinous hoafes in Royal burghs. 7 t^Act difiharging the importation of Strong-waters , &c. 8 C/45S? difiharging the mixing of Tin with Lead. 9 Act anent the difiharging of Advocations for fums within two hundred merks. 10 Act in favour ofCMinors, anent the duties of the Lands comprifid from thenh 11 t^Att againfi exportation of money forth of the Kingdom. iz Act for encouragment of Tillage and To/fur age. 1 3 Act for a new Impqfition upon Englijh Commodities. 1 4 AH impofing a Ctflom upon Corn imported from Ireland into this Khigdom. 1 5- AH for in-bringing of His tMajefiies Rents. 1 6 t_Act concerning Beggars and vagabonds. 1 7 Act anent the meafure of Coal 18 Act anent the Foot -me afire. 1 9 Act difiharging Monday and Saturday Mercats in Royal Burghs. 20 Act anent Lint- feed, Hemp- feed and Steel. ii t^Act anent Manfies and Glebs , and poinding for Minifters Stipend. ax _At~t anent Comprifings. a 3 Act anent Sentences of Excommunication. 2,4 Ait for additiotial provifion in favours of the 'Vniverfities. z$ Act regulating the proportions of Excifi in the fiver at Shires and Btlrghs. %6 An humble Tender to His Sacred Majefiy , of the duty and loyalty of His ancient Kingdom o£ Scotland. xy Act ajferting His CMajefiies Trerogative , in the ordering and dtfpofal of Trade with for ^ raigners. z8 CommiJJion for plant at ion of Kirks and valuation ofTeinds. a 9 Act anent penal Statutes. 30 Act Salvo jure cujuflibet. FINIS, N 3 A TAi /