Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/674

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IO j_ t^A Table of the un-printed Alls. Aft for a yearly Fair in Aldelr. DecreetTluftarden, contra CMackpherfdn and others. Act in favours of the Chn-Gregor. Decreet Earl Roxburgh , contra Earl Lothian , anent the Title of Lord Ker. Decreet Earl oit_Airly , againft Mackenzie and others. Aft for repairing the Bridge of Sanchar. Aft for two fairs and a weekly Mercat in Hamilfoim. Aft refcinding the pretended forfeiture oiTDavid Graham oiGorthy. Aft in favours of Doftor Gleg. Record of the lofles of fome Noble-men for their loyalty. Act for ordering the precedency of the Officers of State. Decreet of forfeiture againft Sir ^Archibald Johnftoun. Aft refcinding the pretended forfeiture of the Lord Heries. Ratification in favours of the Earl of Roxburgh. Ratification in favours of the Univerfity of Szn&i- Andrews. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Lauder. Ratification in favours of Major Ramfay. Ratification in favours of the Laird of Hayning. Ratification in favours oijohn Sterling of Other-field, Ratification in favours of the Earl oiLeiven. Ratification in favours of John Campbel of Ardchattan. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Linlithgow. Ratification in favours of the old Town of ^Aberdeen. Ratification of the mortification ofaHofpital in the Paroch of Largo. Ratification in favours of the Laird- of tMonymusk. Proteftation by the Earl of Aboyn , in name of the Marquefs of Hufitly , againft it. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Dumbartoun. Proteftation of the Town of Glafgow , againft it. Ratification in favpurs of the Town of Glafgow. Proteftation by the Dukes of Lennox and Hamiltoun , and the Burghs of Dumbartoun & Renfrew, agtixfiS. it Ratification in favours of the Burgh oiForterofe,zn& Proteftation by the Town oilnnernefs againft it. Ratification in favours of the Officers of the Mint. Proteftation for the Burgh of Edinburgh againft it. Aft for coyning of Copper-money. Aft for providing a Stock to the Mint houfe. Decreets of forfeiture againft William Dundafs of Magdallans-, and John Home oiKelfo. Aft anent the redemption of Infeftments of Fee granted under reverfion. Aft refcinding the pretended forfeiture of Sir Robert Spotjwood. Aft refcinding all Decreets of Forfeiture againft Archibald and Mackgilejpik tJMackdonal of 'Colin/ay. Aft refcinding the Forfeiture of Archibald CMackdonal of Sands. Proteftations by the Creditors of the Marquefs oiArgyl, that they be not prejudged by any fentence to be given againft him. Decreet and Sentence of Forfeiture againft the Marquefs oiArgyl. Decreet and Sentence of Forfeiture againft Mr. James Guthry. Decreet and Sentence of Forfeiture againft William Govan. Decreet L. Cochran , againft the Executors of the Earl olBuccleuch. Act for two Fairs to the Burgh of Ruthglen. Aft for Impofition for upholding a Bridge on the Water of Fleet. Afts concerning the Town of Edinburgh and their Annuity out of the Houfe-mails,and the Impofition grant- ed to them of two pence upon the pint of Ale , &c. Decreet Duke of Hamiltoun contra fArdkinlafs, Commiffion for a Council of Trade. Decreet in favours of the Earle of Callander againft the Earle oiLeiven. Act for changing an High-way at Abbotjhal. Aft in favours of William Purvejs. Decreet Sir William Baily ofLamintoun , contra Mrs. Whaley. Aft for the ordinar allowance of the Clerk Regifters Subfcription. Ratification in favours of the Marquefs of CMontroJe. Aft ratifying the union of the Parodies of Logy-montroJe&n&'Pertb. Aft anent flaying of Fiih in forbidden time. Act in favours ot the Earl Cafiils , Earl Lothian , Brody , &c. Commiffion concerning the Annual-rents due by perfons forfeited by the Ufurpers, Decreet