t_A Table of the tin-printed t^AcTs. i Q y third Session. ACt concerning; the conftitution and ele&ion cf die Lords cf die Articles. Warrands for perfonal Protections againft Captions, for fome time, to the Lord Sinclar and others. Commiflion for trying cf die contrivance and carrying on cf the Act of Billeting. Decreet and Sentence cf Forfeiture againft ^Archibald J ohnffoun , fometime of JVariJloun, A& ratifying the Remiflion granted to George Campbel. Acl f :>r annexing fome Kirks to the Deanry of Szact- Andrews. Record cf die production cf the Duke of Monmouth's Patent to be Duke dBucclench. Acl allowing to the Minifters who ferved before and in the year , one thoufand , fix hundred and fixtv two the haif c f the Stipend due for that year. ' Ratification in favours of Sir 'Peter TVedderburn. Acl refcinding a former Acl paft in the laft Seffion cf Parliament , anent fome Fees acclaimed as due to the Lyons Office. Acl concerning the mater cf Billeting, and a Letter directed to His Majefty thereupon. Acl for repairing the High-wayes at the Town ofTrefoun. Warrand for three Fairs to the Town of Newburgh. Acl concerning the pardoning and reftoring the Children of Forfeited perfons. , lylngus and Donald Macklauds declared Fugitives. An impofition for repairing and upholding a Bridge in Clidfdail. , Warrand f jr changing the Fair-day of the Town of Clackmannan. Reference to His Majefty concerning the Procefs againft Ajfmt. Act concerning the Impofition laid on Engliih Commodities. 1 Acl paft in favours cf Printer s , Stationers, Silk-weavers, &c. Act f)r changing of the name of Souter, cf lateufedby fome of the name cfjohnfloiw. Act for an Impofition for repairing the High- way betwixt Cor[iorphin and the Cow-bridge. Warrand for changing the Fair-day of the Town of Nairn. Commiilion concerning the Annual-rents due by perfons Foi f :ired by the Ufurpers. Acl Refcinding , Annulling , and for Razing out cf the Records , two Acts paft in the fecond Sefllon of this Parliament , one for excepting perfons Lorn publick Truft , and the other for the manner of voting it by Billets. Act in favours cf Doctor Colvil, Act concerning the riding of the Parliament, and the Penalties offuch as fliall be abfent from it. Decreet betwixt Sir Arthur ForbeJS and the Lord Cochran. Act in favours of Mr. John Wilkie. Act anent the vacand Stipends in hrgyl and JJles, Act for repairing the Bridge cf Tullibody. Act for the difpofal cf fome vacand Stipends! Act for the Bridge cf Dalkeith. Act for upholding the Bridge c f Kippoh , and I or two Fairs at the Kirk of Kippow. Acl for a yeerly Fair in the Barony of Caskibon. lAct for changing the weekly Mercat c f Tettenweym. pAct in favours cf ]obn Halybruntm , concerning his Writes. I Act appointing the Fines to be paid in to any perfon His Majefty fliall appoint. HAct in favours of the Captain cf DunHaffiiage and others. kITwo Fairs yearly to be kept in the Barony cf Preflon. BThe Fairs granted to the Town cf Whitehorn changed in the dayes and dyets thereof. (Decreet the Earl cf Roxburgh contra Sir ]dhn Weymes. IJAct for two Fairs and a weekly Mercat in Stanlyyve. [Act concerning the making cf Cairds. Klecommendation in favours cf the Marquefs cf <-JMontrofe. ■Warrand for two Fairs and weekly Mercat to the Laird cf Drum. | Warrand for paying of fome debt due by the Shire of Dumfries. '- An Act and Ratification cf the Contract cf Marriage betwixt the Duke and Dutchefs of Ruccleuch , and Wat rand for regiftrating the Contract. JAct concerning the Stipend cf the Minifters cf the Cannongate. Remit the Duke cf Hamiltoun contra Lady Yorrefter. |:|Warrand for two Fairs , and for changing the Mercat-day cf the Barony olSkirling, b' Warrand for a yearly Fair on the Brae of At hoi. I Act for a Fair and weekly Mercat on the Lands cf Kinudy. Act concerning Broomhals Writes. O % Acl