Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/685

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in THE LAWS AND ACTS Of the SECOND PARLIAMENT, Of Our Moft High and Dread Soveraign , H A R L E S T HE SECOND By the Grace of G O D, King of Scotland, England, Frame and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Begun at Edinburgh . the 1 9. of October , 1669. By a Noble Lord , John Earl of Lauderdail , Vif count Maitland , Lord Thirleftane and Bolton , &f : . His MAJESTIES Qommiffioner for holding the fame , by vertue of a Comnaiflion under His MAJESTIES Great Seal of this Kingdom : With the Jpecial Advice and Confent of the Eftates of Tarliament. Extracted from the Records of PARLIAMENT, be Sir Archibald Trimerofi of Qhefler , Knight and Baronet , Clerk to His MAJESTIES Council, Re- gifters and Rolls. kA C T ajferting His iMajefies Supremacy over all Terfbns and in all Caufes Ecclejiaflical. November 16. 1669. H E Eftates of Parliament having ferioufly confidered , how neceflar it is, tor the good and Peace of the Church and State, That His Majefties Power and Authority , in relation to Matters and Perfons Ecclefiaftical , be more clearly aflerted by an Aft of Parliament ; Have therefore thought fit it be Enacted, Aflerted and Declared , Likeas, His Majefly, with advice and Confent of His Eftates of Parliament , doth hereby Enact , Aflert and De- clare, That His Majefty hath the Supreme Authority and Supremacy over all Perfons and in all Caufes Ecclefiaftical within this His Kingdom ; and that by vertue thereof, the Ordering and Difpofal of rhe External Govern- ment and Policy of the Church doth properly belong to His Majefty and His Succeflbrs , as an inherent Right to the Crown : And that His Maje- fty and His Succeflbrs may Settle , Enact and Emit fuch Conftitutions , Acts and Orders , concerning the Adminiftration of the External Govern- ment of the Church , artd the Perfons imployed in the fame , and concerning all Ecclefiaftical Meetings , and Matters to be propofed and determined therein , as they in their Royal Wifdom lhall think fir. Which A<?, 5, Orders