Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/716

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i^x The Third SeJJIon of 'the fecond Parliament of That they fhall be prefently feifed on , add fent to the next publick prifon , there to be kept , till, by order of His Majefties Privy Council , they be baniftied the Kingdom : And that thefe who outreiked them , do forthwith furnifh others in their place. And further , it is hereby Statute and Ordained", that all the Officers of The -Militia do punctually attend their feveral Charges', and that none of them 'offer to defert or demit the : fame -( but upon a jult and reafonable caufe, to be firft offered to, and allowed by His Majefties Privy Council) under the pains following : viz. a Collonel of Foot , and Captain of Horfe, two thoufand merks ; aLieutenant- Collonel of Foot , and Lieutenant of Horfe, one thoufand, five hundred merks; a Major, or Captain of Foot, one thoufand merks; a Lieutenant, or Enfign of Foot, or Cornet of Horfe, five hundred merks. And that all Officers to be hereafter named , fhall accept and attend their Charges ; and if any of them mail refufeto accept, without a reafonable caufe, to be firft allowed as faid is, they fhall be alfo lyable to the refpeftive Fines aforefaid. And in cafe any of the Officers already admitted , or who fhall hereafter be admitted in this Service, fhall neglect the fame, and not give due atendance at the feveral diets of Rendezvous of the Regiments , Troups, and of the Companies, they ihail be lyable to, and forfeit the Fynes following; a Major and Captain of Foot, and a Lieutenant and Cornet of Horfe, fifty pounds in time of war, and twenty five pounds in' time of peace; and the other inferior Officers, twenty four pounds in time of war, and twelve pounds in time of peace. And k is alfo hereby Declared, that all Fynes formerly impofed by Act of Parliament, for abfenee from Rendevous, or deficiency in outreik of Horfe or Men , or in cafes of infufficiency of Horfe or Armes, fliall be doubled in time of war. It is alfo hereby Ordained, that none be defigned Horfe-men or Foot-men of the Militia , butfuchas dwell and refide in the bounds within which -they ferve; and if any be already otherwife defigned, that they be changed , and others accordingly put in their places: And that in time coming, no Leader change any Tefin'eht , Cottar or Servant defigned Horfe-rnan or Foot-man in the Militia, folong as he continues on the Leaders ground , or in the bounds for which he ferves , or fliall be in the Leaders or Tennents fervice: And that theTennent, Cottar or Servant lifted in the Militia, fhall not remove from his Matters ground , nor leave his fervice , until year and day expire ; and then the removal is only to be at the term of Whitfunday , the Leader being alwayes obliged, before his removal', toprefent to the Captain another fufficient man in his place, who fhall continue in the fervice as aforefaid. And if any man lifted in the Militia, fhall defert the fervice, and withdraw to any other place without the bounds; for which he ferves ; the perfons who reflet him , upon intimation thereof given by his Matter , or the Captain of the Troup or Company, fliall be holden to return him back within three dayes thereafter, and the perfon himfelf to be punifhed for his fault , at the difcretion of the Captain and any two Com- miffioners of the Militia: And in cafe the Refleter, being required, fliall not return him, he is to be Fyned inane hundred merks Scots by any two Commifhoners of the Militia, if he live within the Shire: and if he live in any other Shire, by the Sheriff, Magiftrats of Burgh , or any other ordinar Magiftrat on the place. It is likewife hereby Ordained , that the Leader of every Horfe is to furnifh and uphold a fufficient Horfe with his furniture for the fpace of feven years from this time; and that after the expyring of the feven years , thefe of the Fraction with him fliall contribute for another Horfe , at the rate of ten pounds Sterling, and that the Horfe be provided to the value of that fumme, and fo after the expyring of each feven years thereafter fuccefsive: And that theHeretors of every Shire allow yearly fourty eight pounds Scots to the Trumpetter who ferves their Troup , and twelve pounds Scots to every Drummer who ferveth their companies. And it is further Ordained, that befides the dayes of Rendevous already ap- pointed, and which areftill to be obferved in the time of Peace; Yet in the time of War, there are to be two Rendevous yearly of the Regiments of Foot; at either of which , the Companies are to be keeped together, and exercifed for two dayes ; as alfo, four dayes of Rendevous for the feveral Companies. But in regard of the diftance of the bounds , and other difficulties in drawing together the Regiment which is raifed out of hrgyl, Bute and Tiumbartan , they are to have onely one general Rendevous in the year , and two for the feveral Companies , who are to flay together two dayes at either of their Rendevous. And further, his Majefly , with advice and confent forefaid, Ratifies, Approves and Renevves all former Acts, Orders or Inftructions paft in Parliament, or by His Majefties Privy Council concerning the Militia ; and Ordains them to be put to due execution, except in fofaras any of them are innovate or altered by this prefent Act. ACT
