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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/74

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neidis remeid to be set therefore, as sall be thoucht speedefull. Item, that in time to cum there be tane in payment of black money, bot twelve pennies in the pound, and swa descendand proportionally, as the summe descendis. Item, it is ordained for the hyeing of the availe of the crowned groate, and English pennies to be na hurte contrair the acres maid of before anent the money, bot that act to stand in all force and effect, as it was first maid.

23. The Chalmerlane to see for mettes and measres.

ITEM, Anent mettes and measures: It is statute and ordained, that the Chalmerlane and Schireffes sall put the last acte maid thereupon till due execution in all places, as they will answere to our Soveraine Lord.

24. Anent money till have ane unlverfall course.

FOR As meikle as the Lordes of the three Estaites, depute till advise upon the money, considers the great murmure that is past, because of diversities of payment within the Realme, throw the intaking of rentes be the auld payment, and giving out againe be the samin price: Considering; als that the pennyworthes ar risen with the penny, and meikle dearer then they war wont to be, that sulde hie the money till have general course to the hie price, that ilk man that suld receive ony rentes, sulde be skaithed to the fourth or the fifth parte of his rente, quhilk, is too heavie to them in all estaites, and till eschew the greate rumour hereof, and for to content the commounes: It is statute and ordained, that the money fra thine foorth have universall course throw-out the Realme. And als it is ordained, that the Actes and statutes maid upon the in-bringing of Bulzieon within the Realme, and als the keiping of money within the Realme, be observed and keiped, under richt sair and heavie paines, and richtswa uther statutes maid for the keiping of the samin, that it pas not out with the Realme. Item, it is ordained, that unto the time it be advised be the wisest of the Realme, and them that understandis them bell: therein depute thereto, and at great lasour, as effeiris, to dispone the money, as sall be seene maist speedefull for the profite of the Realme, that in the meane time fra this foorth the Scottis money: That is to say, the Demy, the Lyon, the groate of the Crowne, and the groate of the Floure-deluce, and the small penny, and the farding sall have the samin course, that they had before the first Proclamation, maid in the Parliament, in the moneth October: That is to say, the Demy, and the Lyon, ten lhillinges: The groate of the Crowne, twelve pennies . The Flour-deluce, sex pennies and a halfe penny. And for the money of uther Realms, to draw it within the Realme, they ordained it to have course: The English Noble of the Rose, and the auld Edwarde, keipandpace, for twentie aucht shillinges. The Noble of Henry, twentie four shillinges. The Lew, fourteene dhillinges. The French Crowne, elleven shillinges. The Salute and the Rydar till have course, as they zeid of before. And the auld English groat threttene pennies. And the new English groate elleven pennies. The English penny three pennies. The spurred groate threttene pennies. And the Scottis pennies till have course as they had of before. And of the fardinges to take twa shillinges in the pund. And attour it is ordained that gif ony man hes maid ony Obligations or contractes, sen the laste Parliament, or lent or boucht, or sauld, sen the said time, they sall paye with siklike money and siklike value, as it had course in the time, quhen they maid their contract, borrowed, or lent, bocht or sauld. And this priviledge till indure to them, quhill the feast of Lamb-mes nixt to cum, and na langer for their payment, and to outred their selfe.

25. Nolt, Scheepe and cattle suld not be sauld furth of the Realme.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that na Kye nor Oxen, scheepe nor uther cattel be sauld out of the Realme, be nane of the Kingis Lieges, under the paine of escheit. And the Wardane sall have na power to give licence in the contrarie hereof.