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Of the Printed ACTS.
- Act Ratifying former Laws ſecuring the Proteſtant Religion.
- Act aſſerting the Right of Succeſſion to the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom.
- Act for a voluntary offer of a new Supply to His Majeſty.
- Act for ſecuring the Peace of the Country.
- Act concerning Probative Witneſſes in Writs and Executions.
- Act anent Religion , and the Teſt.
- Act diſcharging the Summer Seſſion.
- Act for continuation of the Exciſe.
- Act againſt Perſonal Proteſtions.
- Act concerning Wives Terces.
- Act concerning the Regiſtration of Seiſings, and Reverſions, of Tenements within Burgh.
- Act for encouraging of Trade and Manufacturies.
- Act anent Declinatvurs.
- Act for refraining the exorbitant expence of Marriages , Baptiſms, and Burials.
- Act againſt Aſſaſinations.
- Act concerning the Juriſdiction of the Admiral Court.
- Act concerning the Sale of Bankrupts-lands.
- Act aſſerting his Majeſties Prerogative in point of Juriſdiction.
- Act concerning the Oaths of Minors.
- Act concerning Bils of Exchange.
- Act Concerning the Election of Commiſſioners for Shires..
- Act appointing the Quorum of the Juſtice Court, in time of Vacance.
- Act in favours of the Univerſity of St.Andrewes, appointing halfe a Moneths Ceſs to be raiſed for their uſe.
- Act ordaining Bread, and Butcher-Fleſh, to be ſold by Weight.
- Additional Act concerning the Teſt.
- Act concerning Publick Debts.
- Act anent the prices of French, and Spaniſh Salt.
- Act Salvojure Cujuſlibet.
- Act of Adjournment.