Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/789

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND.

Servant, any ſum not exceeding the ſum of twenty ſhillings Scots: And the Burghs Royal are for their relief hereby impowered to Taxt all their Burgeſſes, conſtant Inhabitants, Tradſmen and Servants, conform to the above-mentioned Rules, excepting, as is before excepted, in relation to the Shires. And it is Ordained that the Heretors ſhall have the ſame Execution for raiſing of the ſaids ſums, as for their Mails and Duties; And the Burghs,as for other Publick Dues payable to the ſaids Burghs. And further, The King's Majeſty being willing to give all poſſible eaſe and encouragement to the Heretors and others lyable in payment of this ſupply out of the Land-rent, which will be impoſſible for them to pay, if they ſhould likewiſe be for the time ſtraitned for payment of their Debts: Therefore the King's Majeſty doth hereby, with Advice and Conſent of His Eſtates, ſuſpend and diſcharge all perſonal Execution for payment of any Principal Sum above one thouſand pounds Scots, due before the Date hereof by any perſons having viſible and real Eſtates, untill the Term of Whitſonday, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſixty nine years: Excepting alwayes all ſuch Sums and Bonds given for the ſame, as are due for the payment of His Majeſties Annuity, Cuſtomes, Few-duties, Taxations, and other Dues belonging to His Majeſty, which are no wayes comprehended under this Suſpenſion; but all Execution is to paſs for payment thereof as formerly, notwithſtanding that the Bonds given for the ſame, grant the receipt of borrowed Money. And it is hereby declared, that the Suſpenſion above-written is granted with this expreſs condition, that the Debtors make payment of one years Annualrent yearly, within twenty dayes after the ſame is due, during the time foreſaid, otherwiſe ſhall loſe the benefit of this Suſpenſion. It is alſo declared, that this Suſpenſion is but prejudice of all Execution, real and perſonal (except Arreaſtments upon Rents) for bygone Annualrents, due at, and before Martimas laſt; And in caſe that any Creditor ſhall think fit to ſecure himſelf further, as to the payment of the Sums due to him, by real Execution, in that caſe the Debitor is hereby oblidged to give his Creditor ſufficient real ſecurity: And, if notwithſtanding thereof, the Creditor ſhall uſe further real Execution, the ſame is to be upon his own charges; but if the Debitor ſhall refuſe to give ſufficient real ſecurity, then the diligence that is to be done by the Creditor, ſhall be upon the Debitors charge and expence. And further, His Majeſty for ſatiſfaction of His good Subjects, is graciouſly pleaſed to declare, that all Officers and Souldiers, Horſe and Foot, ſhall make due and punctual payment of their Quarters, Local and Tranſient, according to the Rates to be eſtabliſhed thereanent by the foreſaids Commiſſioners: And in caſe the Souldiery have not ready Money for defraying their Quarters, that then their Quarters be ſtated betwixt the Quarter-matters or other Officers, and any two of the Commiſſioners, and the Compts being ſtated and fitted, that they be allowed by the reſpective Collectors, in the firſt end of what is due by the Shire or Burgh where the ſaid Quarters are owing; providing the ſaid Quarters exceed not two parts of their Pay; and which ſtated Accounts are to be allowed to the reſpective Collectors, by the Collector General, and to be by him retained off the firſt end of the Troops or Companies Pay: And in caſe the Officers do remove before the Accounts can be ſtated, in that caſe the Collectors of the Shires and Burghs are to retain what after tryal the Commiſſioners ſhall find reſting, till the Accounts be ſtated in manner foreſaid; and the ſaid retention for Quarters to Commence from the firſt of January, inſtant. And alſo, that no perſon lyable in any part of this ſupply ſhall be holden to produce their Diſcharges, or Receipts of the ſame, after the firſt day of February, one thouſand, ſix Hundred ſeventy one years, unleſs where diligence hath been done by Denunciations before the Elapſing, the ſaid firſt of February, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſeventy one years. And the Convention of Eſtates, being deſirous that ſome courſe be taken for the ſpeedy and effectual in-bringing of the Taxation granted to His Majeſty by the late Convention, Therefore Ordains and Appoints, that what is yet remaining unpaid of the ſaid Taxation, the ſamin ſhall be brought in (after Legal diligence firſt done by thoſe who are authorized for in-bringing the ſame, and the diſcuſſing of Suſpenfions raiſed, or to be raiſed thereanent) by Quartering in the manner preſcribed for raiſing this preſent ſupply.

And Ordains theſe preſents to be Printed and Publiſhed.


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