JO Countrey,and Magiflrats of Burghs , and Sherriffs , and Juftices of peace in the Countrey, areimpowered to perfew for this fuperplus winning, or ofnerwayes are declared' lyable to the Informers for the double, whereof the half to liimfelf, the other to the Poor, Jam. 6. p. 23. c. 14. C A S H E T. The keeping of the Cafliet committed to the Priyy Council, SetCmticil. CASTLES. That every Lord , having Land, andCaftles, and mannours thereon beyond the M%htb, big. and reparrell the fame and dwell therein by themfelevs, or their friends, for gude Policy, lam. i.p. $.c. Sz. That all havers of Caftks , ftuffand ftrength the fame , againft the Zr.glifh, Ja. 3. p. II. C S3. That he who hes received fince the King ( King James the fixth ) his Corona- tion, or fliall receive hereafter, money, lands, orochergoods, forrendering the Kings Caftles and Strengths, w ith his Munition and Jewels therein,be liable to teftore the fame, as extorted, la. S- p.7.c. 125. Particular Aflignation of money and victual for the better keeping of the Caftles of Edinburgh, Surline, Dumbarton and BUckpefs, according tothe pof- leffionhadby the Keepers ofthefaid Caftles for five years preceeding. And de- claring all deeds in prejudice thereof null, la. 6. p. 9. cap. 8. CASUALITY. The Kings Cafiialities fliould not be given away in great, as thefe of a whole Countrey, or the confirmation of fhewholeFewesofaFrelacy, 01 of anylpecial Cciime, la. 6. p. 11. cap. 69. CATTEL. tee BESTIAL. CAUPES. Caupes, thatisaHorfe, Mare, Ox, 01 Cow, under the notion of befl aught; taken by Heads of Kin, Clanns, orothersin Galloway, for maintenance of the 'givers, difcharged, underthepainof Reiff, /a.4. p.z.cap. 18. And that tiiall be taken ot Caupes in Carrick, ibid. cap. 19. Caupes univerfallydifchaiged, under the paines forefaid, la. 6. p. ii.cap. 21. CAUSES. See ACTIONS. CHAMBERLAIN of the KINGS PROPERTY. That Chamberlains and Receivers of rhe Kings Rents find feverty in Edinburgh, to make compt in the ordinary time in Exchequer, and payment twenty dayes thereafter, la. 6. p. 1 1 • cap. Sj. Ratified and extended to all Chamberlains and Fewers of his Majefties property, Cuftomers, Baillies of Burrows, Sheriffs, and Others Intromettars with the Kings duties or carnalities, la. 6. p. 14. cap. 2 jo. And both thii Acts ratified, Car. 2. p.i. SefT. 3. cap. 14. All Offices of Heritable Chamberlamries of the Kings property declared null, la. 6. p. 15. c. 23 S. CHAMBERLAIN ot SCOTLAND. Chamberlain Airs need not be continued, bur continue of themfelves untlll diflblved by the Chamberlain, la. 3. p. 5. c.39. That the Chamberlain inquire yearly how the common good of Burrowsis fpenr, la. 4. p. 3. cap. 36. See it "mBurghs. CHANCELLOUR. The Lord Chancellor for the time hath right to preCde in all Parliaments , and other publick Judicatories, Car. 2. p. 1. Sell. i.e. 1. CHANCELLARY. ThatthefoimoftheChancellary, in Brieves and other Letters, be obferved, without innovation, or eekir.g new termes, under the pain of nullity, except the Rrieve of Summondsof Error, la: 4: p: 3: c: 24. CHAPTER. That the Chapters of Biiiopricks remain according to their foundations. And the Aft appoints anew Chapter for the Archbifliop ot St. Andrews, in place of rhe Friory, relervingto theBiftiop hispriviledge. That the common Seal to be made by him, fliall ferve for the Chapters confent, without their Subferiptionsj And theoldcommonSealtobefutticientin thetnterim, la: 6-p: IS: c: 3. » That the laid appointment of a Chapter fot St. ^Andrews conlift of at leaft feven, to be chofen by the Archbifliop, of thefe dwelling, and having charge within his Diocefs: And the refervation above mentioned is renewed, la: 6:p: 19: c. 8. That a 11 Deans, and other Members of Chapters of Cathedral Kirks be reftored to their Manfes, Gleibs, and Patrimony, for which end the fame are diflblved from the Crown,without prejudice of Fewes, Tacks, and other Rights already law- fully made. Asalfo, of l'atronages difponed by rhe King, with confent of the Titular to Laick Patrons, albeitnot ratified in Parliament. Asalfo, of the e- reftion of rhe Priory of St. Andrews tothe Duke of Lennox. And alfo to the Town of Edinburgh, of the Fvcnts, Teinds, and Tenements difponed tothemfot their Hofpitals, Colledge and Miniftry. Asalfo, of all Teinds and others dif- poned ro any of the Colledges of St. Andrews. As alfo, referving to the Mar- quefsof Hamiltoun rheHoufe and Thee of Hamiltoun, with the pertinents, in fo far as they pertained to the Deinry of Gl.ifgow , to beholden hereafter ot hisMa- jefty, with the whole other reitriftions in the Aft reftoring Bifliops (See it in Bi- fiops) in favoursof Fewers. Tackf-men and ethers. Item, As to the entering of Vaflals, thedireftSuperiourmay do the lame, without the confent of the Bifliop, and remanent Chapter. Item, In ftead of the Prior and Priory of St. ^-lndrews,tot- merly Dean and Chapter of that See, anew Dean and Chapter are appointed, as in the Aft. And the ArchbifhopistobechofenbyeighiBiihcps, and hVeMinifters named in the Aft, or the moft part of them, The Bifliop of Dunkell Conveener, and Vicar-General; And three 3ilhops,are added to the ordinary Chapter of Glaf- gow, for elefttng the Archbifliop thereof, and the Bifliop of Galloway con- veener: Without prejudice to the ordinary Chapters of their former right and power i:i all other things, Ja. 6. p. 22. c. z.^Anuo 1617. Ratified with this additi- on, That all deeds done fince, or to be done hereafter, fupprefling any Member of a Cathedral Kirk, being in office or dignity, or difiblving any Land, Parfo- nage, Vicarage, or other living, from the dignity, without his Majefties exprefs watrand, and confent of Parliament, are, and fliall be null, without prejudice to the Marquefsof Hamiltoun his tight to the Parfonagesof Hamiltoun and Dalferf: And of the Earl of ■Ai'i"'* j to the Parfonage of Camwath; and any othei perfons lawfull right before the faidAft ofFarhament 1617. Ja.s.p. 23. cap. 11.
- _sfn Abridgemeiit of the
CHARGES Super Inquirendis, or under the pain of Treafon. See Lnquirendis. CHARTERS. Charters under the Great Seal fliould have the Precept of SeilW ingroffed and may be written Book-wayes, Ca. 2. p. 2. SclT. 3.cap. 7 . See Precept of Selling- And Scat. J * REGISTRATION of CHARTERS. See Regiflration. C H A U D-M ELLA. See Fore-thought Fel- CLANN. See High-lands. For ftouth or reiffcommirted by any notorious Thieves.of the Clanns of Thieve? any other of the Clann, their fervants, or dependers may be feized untill the Principals, or others of the Clann caufethe skaith beredreffed, or at leaft findfo verty tor that effeft, in cafe it be found that the offender was anyway refer among- the Clann after the deed done, Ja. 6. p. 7. c.i 1 2. 8 Asalfo, the goods of any othei of the Clann, &c. may be feized, as laid is without any danger of fpuilzie, or violent profirs, and the Sheriff, ot any other ordinary Judges to Burgh or Land, or any other Perfon of power prefent for the time, being defired, fliould concur and affift ro the faid leifure of Perfons and goods, under the pain of repute and lyable as partakers, Ja,6.p. 10. c. 16. If goods taken by one Clann be tranfported to another,thatthe chief of the Clann where the goods of his witting are received, be required tomakeredrefs, and re- S: tiS^M^i^i^ the 0wner ' * puifuu of h * CLERK, or CLERGY-MAN. That no Clerk, nor Clergy-man pafs, nor fend Iiocuratois foi him over Sea Without the Kings leave, Ja. i.p.i.c. 13. ' That no Clerk purchafe any Penfion out of any Benefice, or taife any Penfion al- ready granted, under all higheft pains. Ibid. 14. ' That Clergy-men be oblidged to wariand their Fews and Tacks from their own tacts and deeds allanerly, Ja. 6. p. 1 1 . cap. 29. See Barratrie and Benefice. CLERK of the SESSION. SeeSeffion. SHERIFFXLERK. Set Sheriff. CLOATH. raettbyrheRidg. andnotby the Selvedge, Ja. 3 p t <ap-3 2. ' '™~ That no man draw Cloath, under the pain of lining the Cloath and freedoms for year and day : and that there be an able man appointed for trying and fealing the cloath and colour, Ja. 5. p. 7- c.112. COAL-HEUGHS, COALLIERS, &c. COALS. That no Coals more then neceflary provifion be carried forth of tire Realm, Un- der the pain of Confutation of the Coals, the Veflel and all the Goods therein be- longing to the Ownet of the Coals, Q. M. p. 9. c- 84. Ratified, and the revealei and purfuer have the third of the Efcheat, Ja. 6. p. 6. cap. 90. Willfull firing of Coal-heughs declared to be treafon, Ja.s.p. 12. c. 146. That no grear burn Coal be tranfpoited, under the pain of confifcation thereof, and of the Veflel; and that the Magiftrates of Burghs, and Cuftomers, and Search- ers apprehend the contraveeners, andarrefttha Aids Veflels, Jam. 6. par. 15. 153- .cap. That none hireCoalliers, Coal-bearers, or Salters, without they have a Te- ftimonial from their laftMafter, or an Atteftation from a Judge, of rhe caule of their away-coming; and who otherwayes hires or intertaine them, if challenged within a year, fliall deliver them back wltkin twenty four hours, under the pain of an hundred pounds. And the faids Coalliers, Coal-bearers, and Salters, receiving fore-wages, robe puniflied as Thieves. Item, Coal, and Salt-mafteis may apprehend, and put to labour all Vagabonds and ftmdy ifeggeis, Ja. 6. p. is. cap. i 1 . This Aft extended to Watermen, Windef-men, and Gatef-men in CoaJ- hewghs. Item, That no Coal-mafter give any greater Fee to Coal-hewers then twenty meiks in Fee or Bounteth: And that the Coal-hewers, and other work- men in Coal-heughs, and Salters, work all the Tex dayes of the week thorow the year, except the time of Chriftmae, under the pain of twenty lhillingsper diem, be- lide their Matters prejudice, and corporal punifliment, Car. 2. par. 1. Sell'- 1, cap. $6. COAL MEASURE. COCQUET. See Meafure. That all Coquets be fpecialin the quantity and quality of the Goods, and the Owners names; and that the Coafervator admit of no other Cocquet 5 but con- fifcat all Goods not therein expreemed, Ja.6.p. rj c.2ss. That the Confervator arreft all Ships wanting formal Cocquets, and efcheat all the Goods therein to his Majefties ufe. Ibid,, cap . 256. That Cocquets pafs in the names of the principal Owners of the Goods, and not in poor mens names, Ja. 6. p. is. c.S. . That no greater price be exafted for entering Ships and Goods then twenty three ihillings four pennies : And for the Cocquet fourty (hillings; And that the keep- er of the Cocquet attend his Office, and exaft no more, under the pain of depriva- tion, Car. z. p. i. SefT. i.e. 5j. COLLEDGES. See Schools and IJniverjities. COLLEDGE of JUSTICE. SteSeJJlon. COMBAT. That none fight any fingulat Combats, under the pain of death, and efcheat of movcables,and the Irovocker to be puniftied by the more ignominious death, Ja, 6. p. I6.C.I2-. "• COM-